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so thoughtful

You Etsy ladies are so kind.  

My mail box was full with over forty Mother’s Day cards this past week.  My mom was asking me if I had gotten any cards.  She asked if they were from people I knew.  Some of them were from my dear friends and family, but a lot of them I didn’t recognize the names.  She smiled and said that they were from the Etsy vendors.

So thoughtful…
I looked back through the cards and recognized many of the names of people who had sold items for Cora’s Playground.
Thank you for making me feel so loved during such a tough week.
You all are the best!
And of course thank you to my sweet friends and family who remembered me and prayed for us this weekend too.
Speaking of Etsy…I know we are a little behind with our shop.  We are still sewing dresses.  We have about 10 dresses ready, and 10 more that are almost done.  I’m not sure if we will post this week because it is crazy busy around here with two graduations this weekend.  I will keep you updated, but look for more dresses coming next week.
  • hoosier68 - Think of you each and every day 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Heather - I am so happy this made you feel loved! Nobody could possibly be more deserving.ReplyCancel

  • Tina - I am so glad that many many people remembered you on Mother’s Day. I, too, received a surprise Mother’s Day card in the mail and it really touched my heart as well. Thoughtful gestures like that really do make a difference.

    Hang in there. I think of you often.


  • Anonymous - I have read your story and it has touched me!! Cora is so beautiful. I don’t know how this works but I am so going to be buying dresses from you. They are beautiful and like nothing I have seen around here (Wisconsin). I know they are not ready yet but when they are I will be your best costumer. I know people are going to want to know where i got the beautiful dresses from.

    What a beautiful thing to do for Cora! Thank you for sharing your story.
    Jennie jln17@att.netReplyCancel

  • shepherdsgrace - You and your faith are beautiful…

    may our Lord continue to comfort you and hold you through this in many sweet and amazing ways, where you say, “only He would know”

    thanks for sharing your heart with us,

  • Anonymous - Thanks for sharing with us.


  • meg duerksen - so….your mail box was full of cowboy cards then?

  • Ginger - i cant wait to see new dresses. I hope I am able to snatch one up.ReplyCancel

  • Robin in Benton - Hi Jess:

    There were a lot of us thinking and praying for you. Hang in there!

    I was wondering if we could get an update on the fundraising for the playground???

    Hugs to you

  • Karina - How sweet of the Etsy sellers!

    If there was a way to camp out over night in a virtual sleeping bag, I’d hunker down and get in line…I have yet to snag a dress, but I am going to keep trying!!!

    Big hugs to you.ReplyCancel

  • Caty Weston - You are in my thoughts and prayers every day. I found you through Kaleigh Anne Freeman’s website. She passed away Sunday night. I just you should know (if you didn’t already).ReplyCancel

  • Rebecca - You are such an inspiration! Thinking and praying for you every day! Hugs to you from Michigan.ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - Just more prayers…and smilesReplyCancel

  • The Schilling's from PICU - I thought of you and prayed for you even harder on Mother’s Day. I knew it would be a hard day for you both. Our kids just wanted to come hug you! We all said a prayer for you two at lunch time outloud! Wasn’t sure what to say so I didn’t get you typed to. I am sorry, I need to just pick up the phone and call! Your words are so honest, open and faithful to the Lord. I admire your strength and love so much!

    Please take care and know we miss you all! Give the kids a hug for us on their big graduation day!

    hugs and prayers!


  • Anonymous - I wanted you to know that while she is not with you, you are still one heck of a mother. Your daughter is proud of you, proud to call your her mother, and always will be.

    Keep your head high, and know that you will ALWAYS be a mom, and you should always celebrate Mothers Day, because you had one wonderful little girl.

    Have a great day.ReplyCancel

  • Fab Fabrics - You’re story is so inspiring and your love for your daughter touches my heart dearly. I would love to donate some fabrics to your cause. Please comment me or send me a convo on Etsy and I will be happy to send some fabric your way!!!

    Etsy username: MyFabFabricsReplyCancel

  • mommaof4wife2r - thank you so much for posting this…i am so gla dyou are still being held in prayer and honored by so many! you all are so awesome!ReplyCancel

  • Nan - I’m glad you felt the warmth of your friends and the prayers of those who care about you… even those who don’t know you.

    I wanted to ask you and Joel to pray for this family:

    I am asking you to pray because I believe you know more than most just what kind of prayers they need and how badly they need them.ReplyCancel

  • blessedmomto7 - Thanks to Beki, I got to see the sight of Cora’s Playground! I posted about it on my blog 🙂ReplyCancel

  • A Mother's Nature - You are ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for your beautiful posts.ReplyCancel

  • Lauren Kelly - Awwww, soooo sweet!!!! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • PamperingBeki - Thinking of you tonight.ReplyCancel

  • Todd and Courtney - I am so happy you received tons of cards! I thought of you all on Mother’s Day! I’m sure sweet Cora was cheering and smiling & telling you happy Mother’s Day over and over again 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Casey - We made a luminaria (sp) for Cora for last nights Relay for Life in Charleston SC. The little girl on my team is a neuroblastoma survivor and colored the bag herself for Cora. I’m glad people sent you many well wishes on Mother’s Day.ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - You are such a wonderful, loving Mom, and your posts move me to tears every time. You write with the grace you live your life with. Your words are open, honest, and yet so full of faith…you continue to amaze me by your strength. I know in my heart you will be blessed with more children, and they will be as lucky as little Cora is to call you Mom. Your life was blessed to have Cora in it….but she too was blessed with wonderful parents. Leslie in CTReplyCancel

  • The Mumaw's - I just got your thank you card . I can’t wait to read it to my students at Lakeview JH, they will be so excited!
    I continue to pray for you daily.
    Amy Marinello MumawReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - I am so sorry for your loss. I have just read your blog for the first time. I lost my son 8 years ago this month and some days it still feels like it was yesterday. Even though I had 2 dreams where Jesus let Jimmy Jim come back and say goodbye to me, it has been the worst feeling in the world times infinity. I now have 2 sons (6 years and 11 months) and the crying comes less but my heart will always be missing my world even though I know he is an angel in heaven. I do believe he also knows the families of people that I meet or read about so now my Jimmy Jim knows your Cora and will take care of her. My heart goes out to you and your husband. I’m glad you keep her spirit alive. May God bless you. Someday the hurt will hurt less, but there isn’t any rush to that. My 6 year old was very sad to read about your daughter too. He misses his big brother even though they never met. I will keep you all in our prayers.ReplyCancel

  • Blue Sunshine - Hey, I just found your blog today. Actually, on etsy. I have been so busy lately that I haven’t been on any of my usual sites. I started to read your blog and am still drying tears from my eyes. This brings back so many sad memories for me. My first child was a baby girl and she died 4 1/2 years ago. It is still hard especially when I hear a child that has the same name as her, or when people don’t think of her as a child of mine because she is no longer here with me or when her birthday rolls around every Dec 1st. I was curious though, and I hope that I am not prying, but what did your baby girl die from? I know she had cancer but the last post before she passed seemed like she may have been doing better if not stable. Then, next thing I read she had passed on to be with Jesus. I also read in one of the newspaper articles, that she passed from treatment complications. I hope that this is not too personal of a question! I hope that your husband and you along with your family and friends will find peace with all that has happened and always trust in God. I know that when my baby died, I was very angry with God. I will pray for your family and you continuously. I pray that the two of you will be able to move on and continue building your family as you had planned and if God wishes it so.ReplyCancel

  • PamperingBeki - Praying for you tonight.ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - Thinking of you


  • Anonymous - I am so sorry for you and your husband. You are amazing parents. You inspire me to be a better mom. I wanted you to know that I check on your blog daily since I started reading it. I say prayers for you both every day and night. Thank you for sharing with us. We all wish we could do more for you.ReplyCancel

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