The Macs

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

YAY for summer!

Yay! I was so encouraged to know that some of you will be joining me for the 30 day challenge. I need the accountability too. Today was day three. How are you doing? I have been waking up early for my time with the Lord and it has been such a great way to start my day again. And wouldn't you know...I have been handling these summer days so much better when I give my day to Him! I love how that works. :)

We have been spending lots of time out here this week. Joel has been leaving the house really early and working really late which means we have been trying to keep busy. It has been hot so it was the perfect week to pull out the pool.

 To say that Griffin loves the water is an understatement. I think he could sit in the pool for hours. He just splashes and splashes and smiles away.

 He also figured out how to pull down the side of the pool and eat the grass. Nice.

 He looks just like Cora in this picture. I think they could have been twins sometimes. They have so many similarities in looks and personality. It is such a blessing as I love that we can see so much of his sister in him. But man, it pulls at my heart when I glance across the room and feel like it could be my Cora sitting right there. Crazy. I am so thankful for that sweet little boy.

 We haven't been spending all of our time in the pool. We have been making many trips to the wheat fields to visit daddy too. Levi has been combining, eating his lunch in the field, and riding in the trucks. He even came home with a handful of wheat one night that he could hardly part with. As of tonight, wheat harvest is officially over. Levi loved every minute of it...more on that later.

I was inspired by Megan to make a summer list with Levi this year. To tell you the truth we could have probably just written "farm with daddy" on this list and called it good. That is really all this boy wants to do. But he needs to have a little fun with his mama too, right? So we made a list.

*zoo  *sprinkler park  *art project  *big pool  *plant pumpkins  *popsicles  *family vacation somewhere (where should we go??)  *library  *water balloons  *wheat harvest  * Bible time  *homemade ice cream  *make moon sand  *movie night + popcorn  *potty training (Levi)  *memorize two verses  *little pool  *paint  *picnic at park  *4th of July party  *crawling + sleeping (Griffin)  *catch fire flies (oops! I just noticed I spelled that wrong)  *plant beans  *farm, farm, farm!

I have a short list for myself this summer too.

*quiet time (starting with the 30 day challenge)  *running  *finish Griffin's room  *organize/print pictures  *read 2 books  *memorize Psalm 139  *end the summer with one boy who is potty trained and one boy who is sleeping through the night (nbd, right?!)

YAY for summer.

The YAY burlap banner was made by my sweet friend, Heather. 
Check out her shop she has the best custom burlap banners!

It's not too late to join the 30 day challenge. I'd love to know if you are participating and how you are doing too. Make sure to leave a comment and let me know!


Blogger Meggie said...

Love your summer list! (For you and the fam!) I'm starting the 30 day challenge too. =) Last summer I participated in the challenge and did great... then I had baby boy #2 in September and things got a little crazy and I pretty much neglected reading the Word. I still started my day in prayer but that was about it. Summmer days can be long and crazy around here with my patience running out fast, so I KNOW it's SO important for me to give my days to the Lord and start my day in His Word. Thanks for doing this again!!

June 7, 2012 at 6:48 AM  
Blogger sthanlon said...

I love that he reminds us of Cora even if just in pictures to us that never met her but feel like we did through your blog. Every time I see a new pic of him, I say the same thing. God gave you that precious baby boy that has so many of her similarities as a way to brighten up your days by feeling her close to you again....I just know it! Enjoy and treasure it! And I am joining the challenge today!!! Thank you for inspiring us all!

June 7, 2012 at 7:46 AM  
Blogger DianeTaylor said...

OMG Levi really doess look like Cora - it is uncanny.

Ok Jess - I am joining your 30 day challenge. I signed up for a free app on my phone to get daily bible updates delivered right to me. No excuses! My husband has been after me for months to get this app - he loves it. You can read the devotional for the day - or have to read to you if you prefer (this is what my husband does). You can get more in depth on the verse as well. Today is my first day and making that extra time in the quiet morning hours is so good for me. I need this time with God.

Thank you for pushing me to do this.

xo - Diane

June 7, 2012 at 9:43 AM  
Blogger DianeTaylor said...

UPDATE: sorry jess, I meant Griffin in my comment. It must take your breath away sometimes.

June 7, 2012 at 9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't God so great and so funny like that? To give you Griffin but you also give you so much of Cora?! I love that!! And I love that there are scribbles on your summer bucket list on the chalk board!! I love that you didn't redo it and you left the scribbles there!!! :)

Doing well on my 30-day challenge. I am doing two devo: one by Rick Warren and the other by Greg Laurie. Those are on my phone so it's easy for me. But I also have my Utmost for His Highest devo which I also recommend!

June 7, 2012 at 9:53 AM  
Blogger Creole Wisdom said...

I do my devotional before I get out of bed. It absolutely transforms my day. I love how it makes me feel and knowing that I've thought of God first thing. :)

Griffin does look like the photos of Cora you've shared. How bittersweet for you and Joel. Just makes me want to reach through the screen and give you a hug.

June 7, 2012 at 12:49 PM  
Blogger Julie said...

Thanks for your 30 day challenge! I needed it! I have decided to read through Acts.
Julie F.

June 7, 2012 at 2:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm on your bandwagon Jess :) I downloaded a daily verse / devotion app for my iPhone, and I will take some time for me each morning to read and reflect on the verse - and before bed each night, I'll spend time with our children talking with them about the verse for the day as well.

Thanks for the initiative :) I'm excited to start tomorrow morning!!

June 7, 2012 at 3:19 PM  
Blogger Stephen and Lacie said...

The first thing I thought when I saw your post when Griffin was born, was that he looked SO much like Cora! I am with you there. My first baby (a girl)was stillborn at 37 weeks. I had another daughter a year later who looked NOTHING like her. 7 months ago, I had a little boy who is SO much like his oldest sister. I think in personality (as much as I could tell from the womb) as her as well! I find it to be bittersweet! I love looking at certain characteristics of my baby boy and being reminded of how beautiful my first baby was! Then it also reminds me of how much I feel I missed out on with her!

June 7, 2012 at 4:21 PM  
Anonymous AlishaB said...

I love your summer to do list, I think I might do that too! And thanks for the reminder to be devoted to God first by spending time in the Word and prayer each day! Also... your kids (all 3!) are gorgeous, and from the pictures, yes Griffin really does look like Cora- what a special blessing!

June 7, 2012 at 7:39 PM  
Blogger Shana said...

I passed Joel on the road the other day - going from one field to the next - and realized how much I miss those days with my dad and grandpa. Big Green combines & tractors make my heart happy.

June 8, 2012 at 8:40 AM  
Blogger The Moffats said...

I love love love the pic of Joel with the boys :) Sooo cute! I am joining the 30 days...late, of course. Love your YEA sign! Mine is hanging above my black bench when you walk in and it is so adorable and welcoming!! Love and hugs! I'll try to call you today...sorry we haven't connected :( We've be sooooooo busy!

June 8, 2012 at 10:23 AM  
Blogger Auntie EM said...

I love summer too. It sounds like a wonderfully busy time for you and your family. What is moon sand? Whatever it is, it sounds fun. Your children are so cute as always. Little Griffim is fearless in the water and yes he is the replica of his big sissy. Levi is getting so grown up. ENJOY!!!

June 9, 2012 at 12:14 PM  
Blogger Sarah Swartzentruber said...

LOVE your summer list, and I would also LOVE to hear more about how you organize and store your photos. I am sooo behind on our family photo albums.

June 9, 2012 at 10:54 PM  
Anonymous EricaG said...

I love seeing your boys on the farm. So sweet. I'm doing well with the challenge. I decided to work on Paul's letters for this challenge. I dove into Romans to start because I always find it to be a gratifying read. I was resistant to getting a Kindle, but I must admit that it has made Bible study very simple!

June 12, 2012 at 10:31 AM  

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