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state fair

I’m guessing that most Kansans go to the State Fair to ride rides or see the animals or go to a show or maybe browse through the many display buildings. Not us. We go to eat. Seriously…that is our main purpose of going. We love fair food.
I wasn’t sure if I could make it to the fair this year. It has been so hot and I didn’t know if my pregnant feet could handle all the waddling. But this weekend the weather was beautiful and we were craving some fair food, so we decided to give it a try.
We ate…
…and ate…
…and ate some more. Even Levi seemed to enjoy the fair food. His daddy was proud. My favorite fair foods…a big turkey leg, gater taters {with cheese}, and a big glass of Dr. Pepper. I know, really healthy for a pregnant lady, right??
Once our bellies were full we were off to check out the lawn mowers and tractors. Levi was in heaven.
He went from one lawn mower to the next yelling, “bon-mow wide, bon-mow wide”.
And of course we had to check out the tractors too.
Levi even scored an awesome John Deere hat which he didn’t take off for the rest of the night.
I’m not sure who enjoyed the tractors more, Levi or the “big” boys.
Me and my fair food eatin’, tractor lovin’ hubby. Gotta love him. And I do!
This was Levi’s only real ride of the night. The big yellow slide. He loved it and was ready to go again.
We checked out some animals on our way out. It was so fun taking Levi to the fair this year. I love that he is at an age where he is starting to get excited about going places. He talked about the bon-mows and tractors and cows and pigs all weekend. He thought it was great. He is easy to entertain. 🙂
Can’t wait to go again next year…with TWO boys.
* * * * * * * * *
You are probably very tired of seeing Levi’s room {if you are just ignore the rest of this}, but I just had to share another room tour with you. I was so excited and honored when Ohdeedoh contacted me about posting a tour of Levi’s room. It went live this afternoon and you can check it out here! I love Ohdeedoh and get so many great ideas there. Thank you Roni for your kind words about the space we created for Mr. Levi! 
  • Sarah - We go to the fair to eat too. Love love love eating at the fair. My family has missed the state fair of texas maybe twice since I was born. I’m hoping I feel like going once the fair opens… at least for a half day. And hoping we have some more cool days once it opens too!

    I love Levi’s room.ReplyCancel

  • The Carters - We only go to the fair to eat 🙂 We just did the MN state fair for the first time a couple of weeks ago. It was a HUGE fair!!ReplyCancel

  • Rachel - I pray that there is fair food in heaven. Is that too much to ask for?
    (BTW…you look simply wonderful! Can’t wait to see baby bro when he makes his debut!)ReplyCancel

  • Erin - I’m glad Levi’s room is on Ohdeedoh! I thought it deserved to be there. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Nancy - What a great article! You have an amazing talent in decorating! I know that is one of many, but you make every room look PRECIOUS!!ReplyCancel

  • Meggie - Love all the pictures. And you look great, by the way! Just had to share: Our due dates were exactly one week apart (if I’m remembering correctly) and we just welcomed our 2nd baby boy on Saturday the 3rd… exacatly 2 weeks early. Just thought I’d share so you can make sure you’re ready, because we definitely weren’t! Thankfully we had lots of help with our surprise early arrival! =) I can’t wait to hear/read about Levi’s baby brother!ReplyCancel

  • Leslie - Cute=Levi’s little feet in those flip-flops! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Leslie - Cute=Levi’s little feet in those flip-flops! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Mindy Harris - congrats on ohdeedoh! i love these fair pictures. so cute. i kissed levi on the cheek yesterday and thought it was “out of my system” but then you posted pics. he is just so adorable.ReplyCancel

  • Kelly - We skipped the fair this year but we only go to eat too. 🙂
    That picture of you & Joel (and baby brother!) is so cute! Baby #3 is going to love it someday!ReplyCancel

  • Pamela - Okay, your little boy is just so cute!!ReplyCancel

  • Kristi - Looks like a great trip to the fair. I think that you are in good company in as far as the fair food eating. That is my main reason in going to the fair!
    And congratulations on the Odeedoh feature!! I love that site!ReplyCancel

  • Allison - Congratulations on making it on Ohdeedoh!! As I read the {great} article, I couldn’t help but wonder about baby brother’s room… I wouldn’t be surprised if it ends up on Ohdeedoh in the future!

    God’s blessings on your mental and physical prep before brother’s arrival!ReplyCancel

  • katherine - I saw the room tour on Ohdeedoh. Levi’s nursery is one of my favorites so I’d never get tired of seeing it! Congrats.ReplyCancel

  • Wanting What I Have - SO! MUCH! FUN!

    And…just went over to check out Levi’s room – great post and as always, beautiful photos!ReplyCancel

  • karen - My kiddos are heading to Hutchison this weekend with the grandparents while I am in Hillsboro for the craft show. The state fair is something my sweet peas look forward to every year and just love the big yellow slide too!ReplyCancel

  • the breedens - Jealous! We love the state fair for its food too!ReplyCancel

  • Maria - Every post takes my breath away. God Bless you and your adorable family. I know I am just a stranger to you…but I really want you to know that your strength inspires me!

    Levi is so cute…he kinda reminds me of my Mateo! 🙂ReplyCancel