chemo day two
"Listen to Me, you whom I have upheld since you were conceived and have carried since your birth. Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He and I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you. I will sustain you and I will rescue you." -Isaiah 46:3-4
Cora is having to work very hard to breathe and she is getting tired. They put her back on oxygen to help with that. The doctors are also concerned about her getting enough calories. She needs the calories so that she has enough energy to get better. We are trying to feed her more often, but she just doesn't always want to eat. If she doesn't eat enough they may have to give her a feeding tube.
That doesn't sound like great news, but it really was a pretty good day. We are praising God that her electrolyte levels are remaining stable so far. The doctors seem pleased with how she is responding to the chemo. Her chemo will run until very early Sunday morning.
Your prayers continue to overwhelm and humble us. We can't thank you enough for lifting up our precious girl to our Heavenly Father. We know that He loves her even more than we do and is holding her in the palm of His hand.
-Another day of chemo is done
-Cora's electrolyte levels are stable
-An encouraging visit from the mom of a Neuroblastoma SURVIVOR
-Yummy meals that friends have brought to the hospital
Prayer Requests:
-That the chemo is working
-Cora would eat enough to get the calories she needs
-Cora's breathing would continue to improve
-Cora wouldn't be in too much pain
-Joel and I would know how to comfort Cora
-Time to rest
Wow, I don't know what to say! What an ordeal for you and your child! Will say the prayer for her everyday and hope she will get better soon!
My prayers are with you. My sis-in-law is a 30yr old neuroblastoma survivor. Keep the Faith!
Her blog:
Still Praying for you! I am the 30yr old survivor just mentioned above. Your srength and faith are amazing!!
I just had the thought as I read your blog tonight that our God is pretty amazing. He gave us His word, the Bible, and no matter what we are going through verses pop out at us that can speak to us, teach us and encourage us. We serve a living God, and His word is "alive", too. He breathes His words to us deep in our hearts. Pretty amazing, extremely real. He loves you all more than words can describe, more than human brains can imagine.
Still praying!
Besides making a little one feel really yucky, chemo can also make food (or formula or breastmilk) taste bad. Please try not to worry if she has to go on a feeding tube - it might just be easier for her.
Praying for complete healing!
We just stumbled across your blog and story. Little Miss Cora and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. The strength you have shown each other, your little girl, and the world is absolutely amazing, and can only have been done through believing that God is beside you through it all. Hold strong, keep Him with you as you battle the difficult days ahead, and leave the worrying to all of us in the prayer field!!!
Your beautiful little girl and gorgeous family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Jesus will give you the strength and hold you up when you are weary.
I don't doubt that for a second.
I'm still praying...
I hope you are feeling comforted...we are lifting you up and you are not alone.
Much love,
My heart goes out to you. I can not even begin to imagine what you are going through. Lifting you in prayer daily.
Can't get to sleep...thinking and praying for you guys. Cora looks to be doing better. I LOVE seeing both of her beautiful eyes :) Hopefully the oxygen will help her breathing so that her body can put all its energy into kicking that cancer in the BUTT!!!! Love you guys. Laura & Michael
thinking about you all the time.
love to be able to see her eyes beautiful. Be strong mama.
we are praying for all of His strength to come down on cora and you and joel.
I am praying for the healing of your little one and that the Lord comforts, gives strength and peace to you and your DH!!!
It's interesting that time to rest is in your prayer requests... My name is Misty Magathan and I'm a friend of Leah and Ben's. We were at their house last Thurs. night when this all started happening (I'm sure that that seems like a lifetime ago for you guys), so I been praying generally and specifically for you guys since then. Lately my specific prayer has been that when you two lay down and get a chance to try to sleep that God would give you real rest and respite. I'll contine to pray that... Keep your heads up, you have a beautiful daughter and family, the manner in which you are just daily dealing is inspiring to all around you.
Your Cora is so beautiful - as is your faith in our God of miracles. Joining you in prayer for God's touch every moment. He's doing more than we can know! Your Blogs minister to my heart, and that's not what all this is about but you never know how God is using Cora's fight for life in other people's lives.
I've sent your Blog address to China, Japan, Hungary, Australia and to all of my email contacts here in the states. We will pray and look forward to the good news of Cora's victory, His victory.
From your cousin Kay's mother-in-law.
so good to see the praises you listed. and thank you for the specific requests. i am certainly praying and have asked for prayers from the readers of my blog. Cora has been spotlighted!
wishing a day of rest for you.
I am a friend of Carol and Greg Gangwish and have found my way here to let you know that your sweet girl and all your requests are being prayed for here in Iowa City. Our hearts go out to you. May the God of peace surround you and sustain you in miraculous ways, to His glory and for Cora's healing. On our knees for you all!
We continue to pray for Cora and your family every day.
Laura from FL
You are in my prayers. I volunteer for The Jimmy V Foundation for Cancer research and have forwarded your story to all 2000 volunteers so you will have even more prayers coming your way!!
prayers from us, too.
Tom and I have already said a prayer for your special Baby Cora.
I hope you don't mind...but we've also added her name to our Blog Prayer Request List...on our side-bar.
I've also taken the liberty to design a Baby Cora "Button" and have that on my blog...near the top of the left column. You can't miss her happy face! I would be honored if you would use it on your blog, too...just as I'm asking my friends to do on their blogs. It will be a reminder to all to pray for her...and of course, mommy and daddy...and the hospital staff, too!
Jan & Tom
Oops...due to technical problems, I had to move Baby Cora's "Button" to the bottom of the Prayer Request List...right side-bar.
Still Praying for you and your sweet Cora.
Hi! I'm sorry that it took something like this for me to even say Hi. You may or may not remember me from school, but I think of all the wonderful people from Berean constantly and still feel as though Kansas is home even though I've been in Iowa for close to 10 years. I am heartbroken for you. I have two little girls, Kathryn 2 and Lorelai 1. I can't image... We are praying for you and I will be keeping up on the blogs. My sunday school class is already praying and this morning when I was looking at your blog Kat saw all the pictures of Cora in the hospital. I asked Kat if she could ask Jesus to make the baby all better and she looked and me with her big blue eyes wider than I've ever seen and said "I don't know Mommy." She got off my lap and was deep in thought, but we are praying and will continue to pray for the months to come. God is faithful, wonderful, and amazing and only He knows what lies ahead. So, from a little town in Iowa we are praying and praying and praying.
Tammie McDonald Maddy
Dear Jesus - I don't know this family but my heart breaks for them. Please sustain them - let them feel you right there with them through the bad and the good. Please comfort that little one. Thank you dear God. Holy Spirit - be mighty! In Jesus name.
My thoughts and prayers are with you at this very difficult time.
God bless you Jess!
God chose you and Joel as the perfect parents for Cora. No one else on earth could do it better.
I see her beautiful blues popping through. :) She's so precious.
Many prayers continue for her and your family. I hope you guys can rest. I can't imagine how hard that must be.
praying and praising...yeah for another day done.
Praying for you, dear family. Little Cora is darling and such a little trooper! Lori
I have added a prayer request for Cora to my blog-I hope you don't mind.
I just learned about your sweet baby Cora and read about your journey thus far.
Like so many others, I don't really know what to say, but I want you to know that I'm praying!
I pray that as you walk through this dark valley, not only will little Cora be completely healed, but that you will experience a peace that passes you fall at the feet of Jesus and allow him to carry you.
Here is the link to a Caringbridge site of a little boy named Trenton who was diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma at one-year old. He went through lots and lots of treatment, and it was really hard, but the cancer is gone now and he is a happy & healthy little boy. Hopefully this will be an encouragement to you. :)
Jess, it is a TRUE blessing to see the way that God is living and breathing in you right now. You guys are an example to this WORLD that hope is only through our Savior. I know you are changing others' lives as people everywhere are being touched and blessed by your faith. Of course we know your main focus is on Cora, and not on the world around you right now...but when God lives in you like he does, there is no way you can keep from ministering to others through all of this. God had the PERFECT plan when he chose you and Joel to be Cora's parents...I just keep thinking how lucky Cora is to have parents as wonderful as you and Joel, who love the Lord and who love her with every ounce of your soul! Your army of prayer warriors is HUGE...I hope you can let us carry lots of your load while you just hold close to God, Joel and your precious Cora. We are all fighting with you to get Cora through this! Love you lots!
I just found your blog and I will be parying for Cora.
Joel and Jessica,
I am praying for you guys! This is such a hard hard struggle...I can't even imagine. But Amanada is right when she said that God gave Cora the perfect parents in you guys!! I am praying along with about 18 little 2nd graders and their moms and dads.
love you!
I've been reading about sweet Cora through a link I got on Twitter. Just thought I'd let you know that my brother had Neuroblastoma in 1981 when he was 4 years old. He is now a healthy 31 year old man who is getting ready to get married. THIS HORRIBLE CANCER CAN BE BEAT! CORA WILL BEAT THIS! Just like he did! I am praying for your family daily. Especially little Cora.
Jess and Joel- My heart and prayers go out to you guys everyday!
As a soon to be registered dietitian I want you to know that a feeding tube seems scary, but it really can be a blessing in disguise. It will be one less thing for you all to worry about and she will be needing a LOT more calories and protein to beat this thing!
Wesley has some great dietitians that you could call on to ask more questions to. One of them is Ashley Callewaert (she is a Berean grad '01-with me).
Just read of your trial and will be praying that God's grace and strength will be with you all during this time! My heart aches for you at this time. You have a precious little angel there!
Prayers, Sarah
Your Faith in God is Amazing to witness. Your Courage and strength amidst this awful disaese is empowering. I want to scoop up your little Cora and hold her SO closely. I am in LOVE with her, and you guys too. You are True Christians in Every sense of the word Your FAtih is awe inspiring. Praise God for Cora's first Chemo treatments to be done.
God I just lift this family up to you right now. I lift little Cora up to you God. Please heal her body Lord, we know only you can do this. Give her strength to keep fighting off the cancer. Help the ventilator to allow her body to rest and gain more strength. God I lift up Cora's mommy and daddy that you would give them strength to make it through these dark days. God we praise you for getting them this far. We know each day is a battle for them. God we praise you that Cora's incision is doing better and she is gaining a chance to rest. God please just be so present in that hoepital with them and with Cora. In Your awesome name we pray God, Amen!
Prayers are being said for your beautiful little girl. God is good and will show the way.
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