pray for kate
It seems like since we first found out our Cora was sick, my eyes have been opened to so much hurt in the world. It overwhelms me. Sometimes I don't even know what to pray. Even now, words escape me.

I have been praying and praying for little Kate and her family ever since. For some reason I can't get her sweet face out of my mind. I thought about putting it on my blog right away, but I just didn't know. I think it brought back too many emotions.
Then my friend Amanda reminded me of how you all prayed for Cora and continue to pray for our family. How strangers lifted up our sweet daughter in prayer day after day. How so many posted Cora's story on their blog so that more people could pray for us. I am still humbled and amazed by this.
During those days in the hospital we were so tired and discouraged and the only glimmer of hope we had was to continue to cling to the Lord--to trust Him. It was amazing how He used, and continues to use, the body of Christ to uphold our family. Your cards and comments on our blog gave us hope that people were still praying. And so many keep praying for us even now, when we don't feel like we have the strength to keep going. We need that so much.
I know God is using the body of Christ to uphold the McRae family in the same way. I was so encouraged to hear Kate's parents giving glory to God even during this horrible time. They are finding their hope in the Lord. They know that God is using their Kate to be a light to the world. But it is still so hard.
Will you join me in praying for this family? Pray for Kate's complete healing. Pray for strength for her family as they face each day. You can learn more about Kate and how to pray for her by going here.
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:28-31
You continue to amaze me! I will pray for Kate and her family. Always in my thoughts and prayers.
i have been praying for kate as well as my sis and bro-in-law were a part of the church they served at in chicago (before arizona). i'm glad your family is praying for them as well. i've also still been praying for your family and the healing that continues to happen.
yes! continue to pray for kate.... He is near and hearing our prayers.
Jess, you and Joel and Baby Mac continue to be in my daily prayers. I think of you all so very often and squeeze my children extra tight because of your sweet Cora...she's never far from my mind...even when I saw a rainbow a few weeks ago, I thought of her and Kayleigh simultaneously. I've added sweet Kate to my prayers...I watched the video yesterday and I was just overwhelmed by their situation. I hope the end result is a joyous one for them. Take care and blessings for a great pregnancy with Baby Mac.
Your mixed emotions are exactly what I went through when a friend forwarded me your blog back in Feb. We were approaching the 1 year anniversary of losing Nate and all of the hospital pics and medical descriptions took me right back to his 25 days in the ICU. I was torn. I felt connected to you and your experience but it was hard for me to read about it. Though I have debated numerous times, I have continued to follow you and pray for you. I try to DO the right thing even though it is hard. I think that is what you are doing.
what a sweet heart you have. i'll be praying.
I have been following this family, my heart aches for them. They and you guys are still in my prayers.
I will agree with these other fine folks here, you continue to amaze me. Our family will pray for Kate and still continue to hold you and yours near and dear in our thoughts and prayers. *hearts*
The blog world is amazing...I've been praying for Kate since her diagnosis as my next door neighbor (here in Michigan)is best friend's with Kate's mom and flew down to be with the family. Prayer is very powerful!
I too watched the video with tears streaming down my face. I have been praying for Kate and I continue to pray for you too!
This is how I felt when I first heard about CORA. I have been praying for Kate as well, and many others that I see every week at the hospital just as sick of not more sick.
I couldn't get Cora's face out of my thoughts day in and day out, and I can't get these little faces out of my thoughts.
Its so painful to watch, see and hear...and feel so helpless.
Its a daily reminder this world is not our home.
God Bless
We have been and will continue to prayfro Kate as well.
I heard this song recently on the radio and it immediatley made me think of you and you family. I wondered if you had heard it. "You're Not Shaken" by Phil Stacey.
It reminded me of how you immediatley grasped our Father through everything and gave Him glory through all that was happening in your lives.
Anyway, if you have never heard it a link for it is here.
I continue to pray for you guys!
Praying with you!!
As your sweet family is in my prayers, I too will add this lovely family.
May their story and their faith bless as many as your sweet family.
Hugs and prayers,
this is what the body of christ is suppose to do...come together, pray and give thanks and uphold. so i'm there...and i'm really glad that you did share sweet kate with me today...although it's hard every time we see the many struggles in this world, i cling to the hope that i can only find in him...and for that, i am so thankful.
I've been praying for them for some time now, ever since I first read it on Angie's blog. I have signed up to get an email whenever there is an update on her.
I thought of you and your family when I first heard of this. I just can't imagine the pain and the hurt.
Your feelings about Kate and her family are just like my feelings for Cora and you were when your story first came on our prayer chain. You are an amazing person and have such a heart for Jesus that you continue to inspire. I will definitely add Kate and her family to my prayers and will continue to pray for you guys and Baby Mac
Things like this leave you speechless. I feel so much for the families that are going through this horrible illness....I cannot imagine...........I think of you all often and am so glad you are having another baby...Take care....
Thank you Jess for posting this.
I keep seeing sweet Kate pop up on different blogs and it has definitely given me flashbacks to Cora.
We'll continue praying for this beautiful little girl and her family.
I hate cancer. It's so ugly & mean. Especially for kids & their families. We'll pray for her for sure. Hope you guys are hanging in there. Happy to see #2 is already bringing some joy back to you both. Different, but good. Still praying for you both as well. God loves you!
I just read Kate's story she is so sweet. We will pray for her and her family. Your family also continues to be in our prayers.
Thank you so much for posting this heartfelt message about Kate on your blog. I too haven't been able to get this beautiful girl off of my mind since I read about her on Kelly's blog. There is power in prayer and power in numbers. I will continue to lift you and your family up in prayer as well. What you all went through and what the McRaes are going through is so unimaginable. I am amazed at the courage and faith both families have shown. God bless you all!
Allen and I read about Kate from Amanda's blog. We cried as we watched YouTube about them. God brings them to mind often during the day and even at night. We'll join in with all the other prayer warriors!
I heard Kate's story a few weeks ago and immediately went to the Lord.
Praying for that family....and yours.
I just found out about Kate a few days ago. My heart brakes for this family. I'm sure hearing these stories is very difficult on you especially. I will keep this sweet family in my prayers.
Of course I will add Kate to my prayer list. At church this week we sang "Everlasting God" at VBS. It was so beautiful to see the children singing all their praises to God. When I watched the words across the screen, I thought of you guys. I prayed that God would lift you up like wings on eagles.
Then I saw the verse you chose to pray for Kate...Isaiah 40:28-31...Which contains the words to the song.
"Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord,
wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord.
Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord,
wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord.
Our God, You reign forever
Our hope, our strong deliverer.
You are the everlasting God,
The everlasting God.
You do not faint,
You won't grow weary.
You're the defender of the weak,
You comfort those in need,
You lift us up on wings like eagles."
Dear God,
please give strength to Kate's parents to endure what is to come. We know you will not grow weary, we know that you will comfort them in a way that only you can.
I have been praying for Kate as well.
But... just to see you so passionately lead to pray for this young girl...
I need to give up myself MORE... go to the alter MORE... on her behalf.
Thank you for reminding me to pray for her... thank you for the honor of praying for Cora... she has blessed so many and continues to do so.
I will also pray for you.
Jess, you are a true woman of God. To see you pleading for others in the midst of your own sorrow and grief shows your true character and faith. A woman who struggles and triumphs all in the same day.
You and Joel are on my mind and heart, and in my prayers daily.
Love and Hugs to you both.
I've been following along with Kate's story. Praying for her family!
I know that was hard for you to go back and remember and yet you still have room for others that are hurting just like you! you truly are an amazing person,one that I know we are so blessed to have in our lives! I will pray hard for Kate and her family.... Just when I needed humbling again, you reached out to us. Thank you for your open heart and love to those who need it most! Hope you are feeling well and we miss you!
and as always you are in our prayers and thoughts! Rub baby mac for me! :)
love always,
I am continually amazed at the way that God works in our lives. I went out to read about Kate, only to see the post from her parents requesting PRAYERS for not only Kate, but now their son, Will. I instantly thought about you writing about whether or not you should post about her, but finally deciding to. Why was today the day that you felt strong enough to do it!? Because TODAY is the day that the family needs EXTRA prayers and He knew Cora's followers would do just that. GOD IS AMAZING! You continue to be in my prayers.
That was really hard to read. All of the emotions came pouring back. I will pray for Kate-and continue to pray for you guys too.
I read the link that you included on your story yesterday about little Kate. What a tear jerking and heart wrenching story! I happened to look today again at it to see if her condition is improving and I was sad to read that their son now has to have surgery to remove a growth on his vocal cord.....when does it stop for a family? I know that God only hands us what we can handle but I wish I could take some of the burden from them! I continue to pray for your family and thank you for sharing this other family with me so I can pray for them also!
I have read about this child and will be reverently praying.
Still think of you and your family often.
In fact, I was cooking with a friend this morning and mentioned, "did you hear that the Mac's are having another baby! Exciting, huh? Praise the Lord!"
Like we are old friends.
Still praying for your family daily, and now Kate's as well.
Beautiful. They are in my prayers!
Thank you for posting this about Kate, we will keep her and her family in our prayers. We have seen miracles happen and know that nothing is too big for God!
My husband and I have been following your blog since we first heard about your beautiful Cora (from my cousin Kendall). I want you to know that we prayed for your sweet little Cora (as well as for you and your husband) everyday. Our entire family and church up in Canada were praying too. Your heart for God and honesty in such an unimaginable situation is inspiring. You are still in our thoughts and prayers so often as you prepare to welcome this precious new little life!
Your amazing ...I will prey for Kate and her family and yall are still in my preys
Hi Jess,
I've been absent from reading your blog for a while, so have been playing catch up this morning on how things have progressed with you and Joel since Feb. And I can't remember when last I cried so much. I feel like I'm crying with you and I just want to hug you.
While totally different (I can only begine to imagine your grief at losing a child), I lost my husband 6 weeks after my first child was born and know only too well how difficult it is to come to terms with losing someone you love. I am blessed to have a healthy 5 year old son, who keeps me smiling through my tears and I can't imagine how I would've dealt with things without him. What I'm trying to say here (and I hope it's coming through OK) is that you will survive. With each passing day, you and Joel are growing stronger and while you'll always miss little Cora, she will always be with you in your hearts.
I also want to congratulate you on your pregnancy - you're looking great and I just know that this will all go well for you and Joel. I am sure it comes with mixed emotions and not a day will pass that you won't miss Cora, but having another little bundle to care for is going to give your lives so much meaning again.
And lastly, thanks for sharing this story about Kate with us. What a beautiful little girl. I will pray for her and her family, as I do yours.
Take care. Sending lots of love from Cape Town, Sue x
Praying for you tonight.
Yes, I am praying for Kate, and continue to pray for you and yours.
I am so sorry you lost your lovely Cora. She was such a sweetfaced girl, so loved. I did a blog post on the McRae's a few days ago and requested prayers.
Praying for you this morning
I will pray for Kate as for your family I found your blog after looking at Kayleigh Freemans blog. I have a little girl whom is 9 months old and has been sick the past 2 months but they don't know what is wrong with her. I see Cora's pictures and it reminds me so much of my little girl. I cry every time I think of Cora and I pray for healing for your family and also pray for your new little one on the way!
Thank you for sharing Kate's story, and your own. A commenter on my page told me of your blog. I, too lost my baby girl, to infant Leukemia. I am amazed by your strength, the way that you have put together the Cora shop and held fast to your faith (mine has been changed, shaken... i dont know) I will keep you and this healthy new baby in my prayers.
I will be praying for Kate's family, just as I continue to pray fopr yours.....
It is overwhelming to me that so many sweet children are dealing with and fighting cancer.
While my dear friend, jess' daughter was fighting NB, I did so much research online and was so sad by all of the children I discovered fighting cancer out there :(
Of course, I will join you in praying for this sweet little girl.
Thank you so much for spreading the word about her.
Blessings to you!
Thinking of you today. Hope you're doing okay.
Thinking of you and praying for you guys and Baby Mac today as well as for Kate as she starts a very long road.
We will pray for Kate as well as continued prayer for you family.
Thank you for sharing and thanks for the verse at the end... I need that today... and every day.
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