The Macs » Blog


My hubby said I needed to post something tonight.

He said people might be worried about me.

I don’t know about that, but JUST IN CASE…
I am doing ok.  Still having some pretty sad days, but ok.
Our internet has been out all week.
That is the reason for my lack of posting.
And let me tell you, I feel very disconnected to the world.
It is going to take me forever to respond to e-mails and get caught up on my favorite blogs.
I am too tired to post anything exciting tonight.
Lots has been going on around here, so hopefully I can tell you more throughout the week.
Thanks for continuing to check on us and pray for us.
It means so much!
  • Tara Williams - I am so glad wou are well. Your sweet hubby was right… we worry about you and always pray for the best!ReplyCancel

  • PamperingBeki - Hubby is right. I was starting to worry. 🙂

    Glad you’re alright.
    Hope that belly is getting bigger by the day.
    Hope this pregnancy is treating you well.
    And praying you feel peace.ReplyCancel

  • Falling Around - I must say, I was beginning to worry. Glad you are doing well. I am looking forward to seeing more pics of your growing baby bump.

    Get some rest.

    Christy KleinReplyCancel

  • Kimberly - Glad you are still out there!ReplyCancel

  • Christina - I, like many others, do check on you, but wasn’t worried…you are in some good hands (several pair, in fact). 🙂
    Thinking of you very often, still, and praying…for you, your family, the baby. Take care of yourself!ReplyCancel

  • Wendy - Continued prayers for your beautiful family…glad to hear you are doing okay.ReplyCancel

  • Cyndi - I’m glad that are doing well. I hve been praying for you as well as Baby Mac and Joel.ReplyCancel

  • Kylie, Jesse and Asher - What a good husband. I check daily so it’s good to hear from you. I’m excited to hear and see all that is going on!ReplyCancel

  • Erica - your hubby is so sweet. it’s amazing how you can tell from a blog you are perfect for each other. i pray continued peace & comfort to you and your husband, and joy to fill your heart with the anticipation of this new sweet baby!ReplyCancel

  • Stephanie - Yes, I was worrying a bit about how you were doing! Glad to hear you are o.k. and continuing to pray for you, that God will provide you with “the peace that passes all understanding…” and that He will give you His strength and joy for this pregnancy and also praying for Baby Mac…can’t wait to hear more!ReplyCancel

  • Mum2twopreciousgifts - Dear Joel

    Thank you for reminding Jess that there are many people around the world who think of you all often.

    Great to know that all is ok.

    Good night from Australia.


  • Laura Fiegel - I’m glad to hear that all is well!!

    Are you & Joel finding out the gender? I just know that you’re getting close to that point because you’re due 2 days after me and we found out a week ago (at 16wks).

    Can’t wait to read your updates 🙂

    Take care and we’re always praying for all of you!ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - Tell your Hubby we all said THANK YOU! He was so right I was beginning to be concerned! Selfish of us right!
    Just makes me feel better to know that you are Ok….soooooooooo thanks for letting us know!

    Always in my thoughts and prayers!


  • savanna - So good to hear you are ok. I was a bit worried too…..I am starting my own blog up, but am unsure how to get connected with people. Any suggestions?

    Praying for you from Canada,

  • Karina - Joel was right. I check your blog every day or two and two weeks of that can seem like a looooooong time with no news!

    It must be strange being ‘followed’ like this. And cared for by so many. And it is always strange when your computer dies or the internet is down – what did we ever do before??

    I’m looking forward to more news when you have a chance – you have me intrigued with all that’s been going on around there!ReplyCancel

  • Allison - Glad you listened to hubby- I was starting to wonder where you went. Prayers for peace being sent you way.ReplyCancel

  • Kristi REDISKE - I was starting to worry-I am excited that you are fine-I am praying for you all and praying for that new baby.ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - Good, I’m glad you are doing OK! I’m just an internet stranger but I do care! I also lost my baby daughter Lily (different situation, she was still born) but I can relate in a small way to your story. I now have a 4 yr old and a 3 yr old, so I’m here to say life does move forward…best of everything to you.ReplyCancel

  • mom2wendy - Rest my tired friend. You are a grieving mother and a new pregnant mom. Each own their individual stress. Grief is diblitating even with the mercy of God protecting you. You are only human with a very human body and mind. We have limitations. Earth is not heaven. Reading Kate’s story was not only an emotional stress for you, but one that was physical. Your sweet Cora has only been in heaven for a very short time. To feel the pain of another mother going through the same expierence with her child is overwhelming. You are OK. Ok is all that you can expect right now. You must heal….and you are not there yet. You are living with the death of your precious baby, and also with the fear of death for you new baby. I understand. I have been where you find yourself now. You are a pure example to all of the love and mercy of Jesus Christ. But also, you are a mama dealing with issues far above what most people could ever comprehend. Take all the time you need, dear Jess. You are just fine. The focus must be on you and your needs. At this time don’t worry about us. We love you and know that in your heart you carry all of us there. I also know that your husband is a grieving father. My prayers are for him too. Please don’t worry about us our here in blogsville. Only think about you, your husband, little Mac and sweet Cora. Place all of your focus on your family. We are still out here praying for you and your family. We are not going anywhere. Peace, sweet peace my friend. Sleep gently. Jesus will carry you.ReplyCancel

  • Robin in Benton - Hubby was right – I was starting to worry but was praying the everything was OK.

    I think you will probably always have some sad days but God has done mighty work through you and your family and we are all praying for peace and happiness for you.ReplyCancel

  • Brittany - Yeah! Glad you are well…..praying for your sad days….and your happy ones ahead too!ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - Im so glad you posted! We were all definitely worrying I think! Praying and thinking about you!ReplyCancel

  • hoosier68 - Continuing to think of and pray for you and yours.ReplyCancel

  • Loraaf - So glad you posted! I have been thinking about you lately. Praying for you!ReplyCancel

  • Nichole - I’m glad you posted as I’ve been thinking about you. Sending you strength and peace through prayer.ReplyCancel

  • Jenny - Glad to know everything is well with you. We are still keeping you in our prayers.ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - We continue to pray and think about you…thanks to you hubby for being in tune! 🙂
    Hope you are feeling well…many prayers and hugs sent your way.ReplyCancel

  • Cortney - I was starting to worry about you so I’m so glad that you posted. I know that you will never be able to fully get over your lose, but I do hope that each day brings you a little more peace inside. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.ReplyCancel

  • Julie Shaner - Glad to hear from you….hope things are well for you and the baby…..ReplyCancel

  • Angie - Still praying for you – thanks for checking in! Hope everything with your pregnancy is going well, and know that I think of your sweet Cora often and how difficult this time has been for you and your family.

    In Him,

  • A - I am also glad to hear you’re doing okay- I pray for you very often 🙂 I pray God will bless you with more happy days than sad ones 🙂ReplyCancel

  • wicker0407 - Always praying for you thanks for checking in!
    Summer & family in CaliforniaReplyCancel

  • carmen - Jess, it was so great to see you and Joel last night. Thanks for sharing the little bits of your heart that you did during our brief chat. I wish we’d had more of a chance to talk. You and Joel both have such a graciousness about you. Continuing to pray for you…ReplyCancel

  • CourtneyC - Glad to hear that you are doing well and the pregnancy is still going good.ReplyCancel

  • Isaac and Mommy - I agree! Take care of yourself. Praying for peace and joy in your heart.ReplyCancel

  • The Carroll's - Thanks for checking in… still praying 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - I think of you guys and lift you up in my prayers everyday. It is always good to read your updates.

    I am happy to hear that things are OK, and hoping that this pregnancy is treating you well.

    Love and Hugs to you.ReplyCancel