14 weeks
I think we both left my appointment today with smiles.
It was wonderful to hear the doctor say that everything looks great so far.
It was so reassuring to hear Baby Mac's heartbeat. He found it right away. We were so thankful. The baby's heart rate was 155 today. Cora's was almost always 150.
So, we made it through another visit to the doctor. We were still so nervous, but I think it might just be that way for awhile. We just have to keep praying and trusting.
I have been having trouble getting excited about all the normal "fun" pregnancy things. It is just so different this time. So many mixed emotions. But, I wanted to document this pregnancy somehow for Baby Mac's baby book. I saw this in my June Creating Keepsakes magazine. I thought it was a fun way to capture each month. So, here is a glimpse at my growing baby bump.

Thanks for praying for us today. Keep praying along with us for a healthy little baby! And keep praying for our healing hearts.
look at you! you are precious! wish i could be there to see your baby bump!!! you guys are in my every prayer!!!
love you,
Thank you for posting-- I was wondering about your appointment all day. From your faith I have re-connected with my own.
Thank you for that.
How cute!
Yay for wonderful news!!!!! You are looking great...I love the idea!
Yeah for a great appointment and both of you leaving with smiles!
I love the pictures. That is a great idea and you will be so glad you did it.
Prayers and hugs to you guys.
Love the photos and the great update.
Glad to hear that you had a good doctor visit. Your little "bump" is growing...as it should be! Best wishes,
Kathy B.
I wish I was that cute when I was prego! I do pray for often. I think of you guys and Cora each day when I check your blog and I send up a prayer that all will be well with Baby Mac. I hope you will find the peace you need to truly enjoy this pregnancy...
You look adorable in those pictures. Try to get excited about as much as possible.
Love the baby bump! Praying for you everyday.
LOOK how stinking cute you are!
Prayed for you numerous times today. Thank God for a wonderful appointment!
Praying for you and Baby Mac! You are {glowing} in the month 3 picture :)
My last name is McPherson, so we referred to our baby as "baby mac" in the first few months too!
This is so cute!
sometimes I feel weird reading, wondering and praying about you even though I don't know you...but when I read a post like this, I don't mind..I am so a happy for you!
You look so cute! So happy to hear your appt went good!
Love the pictures!! Glad to hear that the appt went well today. I will keep praying for you!!
oh those pics are adorable! i love that idea! you look beautiful!!
You look amazing! What a fun idea!
What a beautiful bump!!!!! You're glowing :)
Great to hear that the appointment went well :)
Wonderful idea, and adorable pictures.
I will continue to pray for your hearts and baby mac.
you are so strong - love the photos - I wish I had done this for my kids - good luck - your story continues to inspire me -
I don't know if you read all the comments but I was inspired to go to nursing school because of Cora - I am trudging along through my classes and loving every minute of it - I will let you know if I get in - :)
Praise God! You are adorable pregnant and try to enjoy it knowing that this baby is a little miracle! Good luck and you are in my prayers every day!
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You're adorable! Great idea!
So glad that everything went well today. We (my 2-year-old, my 4-year-old, and I) prayed for you guys at bedtime last night and I've thought of you today.
God Bless!
you're so cute!!!! i can't wait to see the progression from 1 to 9 months!!!
You look so beautiful! I'm so happy the heartbeat was strong and easily found :) Love to you both.
You look great! I will continue to pray that you are able to find joy and peace with this pregnancy. I continue to think of Cora often. Her precious life continues to impact me on a daily basis. Your faith is an example to all. God bless you and "Baby Mac".
You look so great! I'm so happy everything is going well with little Baby Mac. :)
You look great! I'm so glad that the baby is doing well!
Awesome idea, Jess! You look so beautiful!!
Jess youa re just glowing I am so glad the appointment went well! Are you going to find out the gender? DId you find out with Cora? Continue to send positive thoughts your way, your family is always in my prayers! I am sure Cora is looking down with a huge smile on her face today!
Summer in California
You look great!
Always in my prayers in NC!
look at how cute you look!!!!! I am glad everything is going well for you:)
You look great- I will definitely keep praying for your entire family!!
So many prayers for you and joel daily. And by the way, i completely agree with EVERYONE when they say your are abosulutely adorable, but your beauty goes beyond your outside features...YOU are amazing and praise God for the smiles you an Joel had coming from your appointment.
I can only imagine how this pregnancy must be full of ups and downs for you. I had fairly early miscarriages and even with such a common loss as an early miscarriage I still walked through the subsequent pregnancies in a haze.
I am pregnant now with my 5th and have prayed consistently that the joy of carrying this life be ever-present and not be robbed by fear and anxiety.
That is my prayer for you too! Your precious Cora will most certainly be a daily reminder as this new life grows inside of you.
It is such a vulnerable yet glorious thing to be with child. You are a beautiful mommy! I love those milestone pictures too :)
Great news! Thanks for keeping us posted on this very emotional journey..I agree you are glowing. You continue to amaze me with your strength!
Thinking of you everyday.
Look at that beautiful baby bump! Praying for the Macs! :-)
You look great. Praying for you. I know how you feel about not getting too excited about the usual baby stuff. We waited 12 long years for a 2nd baby, and I was so afraid something was going to happen during the pregnancy, I think I just let the fear take out the happiness. I tried not to get happy, afraid my bubble would burst. Be Happy!
Glad to hear things are going well. Love the photo idea too!
I'm so glad to hear your everything is looking great! I really love the picture idea. You do look adorable and that will be a really neat keepsake. Really fun idea.
Praying for your healing heart and for Baby Mac.
Love you!
You are absolutely adorable pregnant. I hope you let yourself enjoy. You both deserve joy!
Adorable idea Jess! It was fun to run into you at the store the other day. You look so cute!
Glad to hear the doctor's visit went well!
Jess-so glad to hear and see things are going well. Praying for a healthy pregnancy and baby. It is okay to be happy and excited--that's the way Cora surely would want you to be. oxoxo
angie c
Oh i think that is a fun and great idea with the pictures. Love the photos. Im glad all went well.
Pray for you all the time. I really do.
I love the documentation pictures ... you look great!! I can only imagine the mixed emotions ... you continue to be in my thoughts & prayers.
Was so happy to see this post - I was praying that your appointment would go well yesterday. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers every day. And I know that Cora is watching over Baby Mac as well as you guys and wishing for happiness and peace for you every day.
You look beautiful and glowing. You made my day!
Adorable and I'm so glad that all is going well and that you left that appointment with smiles!!!
Many Many Blessings!
What great news!!! I am so happy for you! Sending lots of prayers and warm thoughts!!
Yay for a healthy baby Mac! I am so happy that everything went well yesterday. I will continue to pray for all three of you!
You look beautiful! That is a great idea; I wish I'd thought of it for my three kids.
I hope you can be happy, as Cora doubtless would have been to watch your belly grow. It won't take away from your sadness over Cora; I am continually amazed how much I can feel for each child without robbing another of his/her due. And you can't stop whatever destiny is in store for the baby - you can only try to enjoy every minute he/she is with you.
(Not trying to be bossy or point out the obvious, just awkwardly expressing my hope that you can relax into this new road to motherhood without holding yourself back - although I appreciate it must be excruciating at times. What do I know, though? I've never had to endure your pain. You still amaze me!!)
love the pics- what a fun idea!
praying for you both
Always in my prayers. You look gorgeous. So happy for you.
You are so precious! It feels somewhat strange to be excited for someone I do not know. I am one of the many who prayed for you after your sweet Cora went to be with Jesus. I do love the way you are documenting the "bump"! How creative! Many prayers still heading your way! God bless!
Look at how freaking cute you are! I love it! I'm so glad that the doctor's visit went so well. Isn't hearing the heartbeat the greatest sound in the world? I cried every time! Oh what a happy day! I hope that you have many more just like! Always prayin.
You look ridiculously cute! So tiny! I will continue to pray for you all.
You are just adorable! What a cute way to document Baby Mac!
Well, don't you look cute! I wish I looked that cute pregnant! What a fun way to document this pregancy! Are you going to find out if it's a boy or girl?? I can hardly stand it and I only know you through this bloggy world!! I can't wait to know! So fun! Thank you Jesus for such a precious blessing for this family!
Ahhhh.....what a great keepsake you are creating for Cora's new baby brother or sister!! You look so cute! Praying that your heart continues to heal. I know that Cora is your little angel. Take care...praying for your family from Iowa.
You look so cute! I'm so excited for you guys. I'm looking forward to seeing your bump grow bigger and bigger. Congratulations again.
Courtney Mayfield
Another idea on how to document pregnancy that you might enjoy:
Such a cute bump!
Jess, you look so beautiful! What a great way to document your pregnancy.
Sending continued prayers and love.
Love the belly pics! You are too cute! Congrats on another great appt!
Congratulations! You look beautiful.
You look so cute-Praying for the health of you and your new baby. Neat picture idea too-love it.
Yeah!!! Praise God for good news! You look terrific! *still praying*
so glad to hear everything is going good. we continue to pray for that growing baby in your tummy and for the mix of emotions that go along with it. I pray that sharing your memories of Cora with the new babe will help it not hurt soo bad.
love you
YAY! Praise God for a good and strong heartbeat! You look great! Cute idea for each month :)
Awww, look at your little baby bump! I loved taking belly shots each week during my pregnancy. It was amazing to see them all together at the end and really see how much my tummy grew!
YAY!!! I am glad to hear your pregnancy is going well! I absolutely love the photos. Those are great!
Praying for you in so many ways. Being pregnant after losing a child is difficult. Our circumstances are different - I lose my son 5 days after he was born. But the grieving is the same.
I am set to give birth in two weeks. It has been a long 9 months of worry - all the while dealing with all of the emotions that come when your child is no longer with the family.
I am so happy for you two, and it sounds like everything is going well!!
we lost our little boy andon in february and i am now pregnant again. it is truly a nerve-wracking time.
i'm so glad your appointment went well! :)
you look great btw!
yeah! so glad you hear everything is ok with baby mac!!! you look adorable as usual!
Such cute pictures! You are beautiful. Many prayers for all of you, and thanks to God for a positive appointment :)
My heart smiled when I read that you guys left smiling today! Joyful! Joyful! Joyful!
I keep coming back to look at this picture.
You are just ridiculously cute!
You've seen me pregnant and it's not cute in any way. I just spread all over...
I'm praying your excitement and joy can grow a little each day.
How cute is that? I've been praying so hard for you here lately! I know you've got to have so many mixed emotions after finding out about your 2nd pregnancy. Just know that little Cora is up in heaven looking down on you and keeping that baby safe and sound! Big Hugs - Tiffany
I am so thrilled for you and your hubby! BTW, you looking great!! You guys are in my prayers!
Hi Jessica, thanks for posting your cute pictures, you can be sure you have a lot of prayers going your way...
I found your blog through another website, and I sat here last night going back through the archives for at least an hour or two reading, and crying, and eventually bawling my eyes out. Seeing your sweet, sweet Cora's pictures seriously broke my heart. My heart aches for you guys.
I just cannot imagine what you two are going and have already been through! I can also not tell you how big my smile was when I saw that you two are expecting once again!
You two are positively amazing people! After such heart ache, being able to smile again has to take all the strength in your bodies. Your friends and family are lucky to have you in their lives.
Congratulations on your pregnancy! I will surely be keeping up with your blog and praying for the best! =)
So, so great! Know that a family in Dallas, Texas is praying for you guys. Can't wait to follow along this exciting new journey in your life.
Your little baby bump is so cute! Yeah! So happy for you guys.
You look beautiful! I know Cora is looking down and smiling. My prayers are always with you and your family.
I am 13 weeks and so excited to be going through this together (even though we don't know each other) I will enjoy watching Baby Mac grow.
I love those pictures...such a great idea!!! Can't wait to see all 9 months!!! :)
AHHHH you look ADORABLE.... so glad to hear everything is going good..... Keep the faith and know that you have lots of special angels looking down on you this time..... Jason said it was great to see Joel yesterday..... I wish I could ride along with him sometime..... Take care and know we are praying daily for your peace and happiness....
love you!
What a beautiful way to document for little Mac. I am so happy to hear that you and Joel had smiles. I cannot relate to your mixed emotions, and cannot imagine the range of emotions you must experience in your daily life. I pray for you each and everyday.
I can't wait to see you holding another precious child in your arms.(Another gift from God)I just imagine little Cora in heaven, on the birthday of this sweet child, clapping her hands with joy as little toddlers do, and blowing sweet kisses down to her little sibling. I wonder if Jesus has whispered in her ear what the gender of the baby is.... I wonder if she take great delight in knowing.
I know that no words can cure your pain, but those sweet images of Jesus and Cora together sure help me, and I don't even know her... One day I hope to though.
"May the Lord bless you and keep you, may the Lord make his face shine upon you, and give you peace." All the days of your life.
Praise God for 14 weeks! I've been reading & praying for your family for many months now.
There are places that you can rent dopplers from or even buy one for about $80 on ebay which could help put your heart at ease.
I loved taking baby bump pictures every few weeks with both of my pregnancies. You are in my prayers!
How Cute...and my preys our with yall
You are such a lovely momma!
May the Lord watch over you and the amazing life He is creating with your help!
You. Are. Adorable!!
We MUST have a virtual baby shower for baby Mac so ladies like me who are not nearby can still shower you two with love.
You look so cute......it's a new day rejoice in it, and hold your memories close in your heart. You'll be ok.
We lost our baby this week (at 31 weeks gestation) and I am drawing strength and encouragment from your story and to see you coming through with God's grace. It seems impossible to ever overcome the grief, but I know it will take time. I am praying for you that you have a safe and healthy pregnancy and your baby will arrive safely.
congrat's!!! :) i know everything is different this time around. we are praying with you.
I love the baby bump pics! What a fun way to remember.
You were nervous at the appointment, but you didn't cry through it this time. God is good, and there is healing.
You look wonderful and I love the pictures idea. Very cool. You all are in my prayers.
You look wonderful in your 1-2-3 pregnancy pictures. Embrace each day of your pregnancy and each new 'milestone' that you move through.
so happy to see your baby bump and to know that baby Mac is doing well.. wow, almost halfway there.. praying for you all...
a beautiful mama...
yeah new baby!!!!
LOVE the pictures!! Happy to hear you had a good appointment and little baby Mac is doing good!
Looking great and continuing to pray for your sweet family! Thanks for the update and glad to hear all is going well with Baby Mac!
I love this idea! I am lifting you guys up Jess!
love love
Yeah! Congrats!! I am just over 17 weeks and I go in on Friday and we a will hopefully find out what we are having. I am thinking girl but my hubby is hoping for a little boy. Either way, we are happy!! So exciting. I should take some pics of my "bump". I just wanted to get to the point where it was for sure baby and not just my flab. ha ha. Yours is obviously baby since you had not flab to start! ha ha.
Still praying for you daily.
Yay, so glad your appointment went well!!! You are too cute preggos.
Could you be any cuter?!!?
I'm storming heaven for all my maternal angels to send guardians over you, Cora & Baby Mac!
you are so beautiful !!!! i will continue to pray , much love, robin
Just checking in...letting you know you are still thought of...still praying for you....
My heart has been heavy for you the last couple of days. Thinking of you and praying for you each day.
Love and Hugs to you and Joel from Michigan.
Beautiful! Enjoy this pregnancy for this baby :) You baby bump is precious :)
You look fabulous! So glad to hear that you and baby Mac are progressing right on track. Praying for you...for so many things...
I think of you often and am praying for this child already. Praise the Lord for this life. And the life of your sweet Cora.
I just wanted to share a song that was sung at our church on Sunday. I do not know you personally, but I have been praying for you and your family.
Thanks for the update on the appointment. Chad and I were excited about the news when we read your blog way back. I want you to know that even though I don't call or email you I still "follow" you on our blog everyday and I think about you often. I found myself thinking about Cora tonight as I was reading to my girls at bedtime- no reason, really. Just thought about her and started crying. Luckily the girls didn't notice, and I might have just blamed it on the sad story I was reading- you know, how Ursula takes Ariel's voice away so she can go be with the man she loves. Anyway, I'm waiting for the chance to actually get to buy a dress on Etsy- so far, I've always been too late.
Thanks for being so set with God and knowing your priorities.
love, Jody
You look beautiful! I don't know if you read all your comments or not but you and your family have been on my heart and in my prayers and I would love to contact you through email and share with you some of what God's been teaching me about "healing." I know we have never met face to face and it might be odd to exchange emails, however, I hope you will pray about the opportunity to connect with another sister in Christ. By the way, my name is Kristy. My husband is a pastor in Wichita and we have 3 children. Ginger Skillen (Lenz)and I are good friends and attend the same church; She introduced me to your story and I have been touched ever since. If you feel comfortable, please email me at akwallace4@yahoo.com...I look forward to connecting with you.
I am lifting up you and your precious family!! Good things are in store!
Wow, God is good!
Congrats, you look amazing!
Love that idea. You look great.
You're right, you may feel that way for awhile. God is able to meet you right where you're at.
Oh congratulations, I was just visiting some blogs I don't get to often and surprise!
I'm thrilled for you. Of course a new baby will never replace your beloved Cora and the time you had with her it will bring a new sparkling spirit into your life.
You look beautiful! What an adorable baby bump you've got.
you are so precious and cute...and the pics are a great way to document the growing bump. what a great gift you will be able to give baby mac!
such a precious little bump. can't wait to see more. it's good to chronicle how you're feeling, the size of the baby, how you're preparing each month. it'll be fun for baby mac to one day see how y'all were thinking and preparing.
cora will be such a sweet big sister. always watching.
You look great! Praying for you!
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