something happy
These days have been hard.
There are moments that Joel and I miss Cora so much that we can hardly bear it. We have shed a lot of tears lately, so I needed something happy to write about today.
The fabric was beautiful. There was SO much to choose from.
Shopping is happy right?
Actually even shopping is hard for me now. So, my happy thought today is my mom (and a little shopping too).
My mom is great.
"Great" is an understatement. We have always been close and I truely count her as one of my best friends. She is a rock. She spent hours at the hospital by Cora's side. She held Cora's hand and sang to her when I couldn't handle watching anymore. She helped us make decisions after Cora went to be with Jesus when we could hardly even think. She has opened her home to us and hundreds of our friends and family. She has made more meals for us than I can even count. She has helped me clean my house numerous times these past few months when I couldn't do it by myself. She is a shoulder to cry on. Not to mention she has sewed and sewed and sewed tons of dresses in Cora's honor. Need I say more?
Yesterday was my mom's birthday, so we decided to take a roadtrip.
Just the girls.
With our Starbucks in hand we headed to Lawrence. We had to stop there first because my sister couldn't go on without her coffee. Our destination was Sarah's Fabrics. We needed to stock up on fabric for our Cora dresses. We wanted to check out someplace new.
I love that flower pillow too.
Ok, I take that back. It is a favorite of us girls. Joel HATES TJ Maxx. It is on his list of stores that he will not go in with me. Right along with Hobby Lobby. He just doesn't appreciate a good store when he sees one.
I do love a good yellow purse, but this one didn't come home with us.
It was so nice to spend the day together. Thanks girls!
Happy Birthday Mom!!
Oh, I forgot to mention that my sister is pretty great too. I could go on and on about how much she means to me. But, since it was not her birthday I will save that for another post...
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I am so happy that you have such a great Mom! She seems like an amazing woman, and you are both lucky to have each other. :)
Hi Jess...(I posted earlier and deleted it, it just didn't feel right) I just read your post and it brought tears to my eyes. I am so thankful to God that He has given you such a wonderful mom. It honestly sounds like you take after her and Cora is just as blessed to have you as her mommy. I am still praying for you all.
So glad to see a post from you - I've been checking regularly :) It's wonderful to hear about your relationship with your mom (and sister, too!) Keep looking for the happy in things!!
Ironically as I thought about you today, I wondered how your mother was faring. Being a mother and grandmother I know how she loves Cora and also how she loves you. Seeing you so sad has to be difficult as well. However, your outing sounds like it was great. I received a Cora dress and burp cloth yesterday and love them both. Take care :)
I think all 3 of you are AMAZING!!!!
no words...
what a great day....I'm completely jealous about the fabric store...I have to look for fabrics like that on the internet.
Thank you for posting...You, Joel, Cora and your families are in my thoughts daily. Grammy has to be pretty fabulous to have raised such an incredible daughter! I cannot imagine how hard life is for you all but oh so glad to read/see a little of what is going on in your life.
Looks like Grammy had a great birthday..HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESS'S MOM AND CORA'S GRAMMY!
Always thinking and praying for you..wish I could take some of your hurt away.
so sweet. i just had a fun shopping day with my mom too.
glad you were able to get out.
grief is hard. God is good and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
So good to see you post friend... think about you all the time. Look forward to see all the new pretty dresses and fabrics.
Happy Birthday beautiful mom of 52 years old.
God Bless you all.
Sounds like an amazing woman and a fabulous road trip. Those fabrics are beautiful!
Hey Jess! I've been praying for y'all and I haven't commented lately.... your day sounds delightful! I had to laugh because I recently mentioned in one of my recent posts that my husband was in TJ Maxx with me and I also had to note that he'd die that I wrote that in my post... men, they just can't appreciate it can they!? So glad you and your mom had such a wonderful time shopping. She is beautiful and certainly doesn't look 52! The fabric was just delightful... the colors, the selection, the assortment... I would have gone crazy in there. I hope y'all found lots of goodies! I love the M and the yellow purse too! I think I could have easily tagged along on your trip!! Now wouldn't that have been strange!? :) I got here through Meg months ago and I'm still here with you! May the Lord keep you safely under His wing and I find such comfort and joy in knowing that you KNOW HIM!!
You do have a great mom! You have a great family Jess! I'm glad that they are all there for you and to help bring you some happy times!
You girls look beautiful!
You are so blessed with such an amazing family.
I'm still praying for you daily.
I know someone else who wants to donate fabric to you. I'll email you...
Of course your mom is amazing... she raised you, didn't she? :) I am so thankful you have family nearby. Your mom is a rock, and I am so glad you can both be there for each other. Hugs to you.
Not much is better than a good mom. I'm so glad God has given you to each other. For such a time as this, even a fantastic relationship with a parent might be stressed. That your mom has come together with so much strength, encouragement, and support is truly a testimony to the power of your family. I'm thrilled that you got to enjoy a fun outing with the girls. Cora is REMEMBERED. I hope one day I'll get on Etsy quick enough to snag a dress or two! (:
--Kelley in GA (
Nothing like retail therapy. Glad you had a good time! Sounds like you like Starbucks just as much as me!
Still praying and thinking about you and Cora. Glad you have a great family support
It sounds like you had a wonderful day with your mom and sister! It's so nice to have someone to lean on and hold you up when you feel like you can't take another step, and your mom definitely sounds like one of those people. I think about your family often and I continue to pray for you. Your story has touched my heart and I think you are an amazing woman.
Yeah, my mom's saved me many a meltdown over the years. Thank heavens for moms! You're right, she is very pretty and you and your sis look so much like her! Still praying daily-here in UT-for you and Joel...
It looks like you had a wonderful time shopping and all those lurvely fabrics! What a joy! And I totally understand that Joel won't go into certain shoppes with dear hubby feels the same way about Hobby Lobby and a few other choice stores. :P
Your mom sounds wonderful and I hope she had a wonderful birthday!
Take care and we're still praying for you all every day! <3
~ Heather
You are so precious, it is good to see you smile. Y'all continue to be in my prayers.
I have always known what an incredible person Kathy Beverlin is!! As someone said - she raised you with help from my Cuz Don and 3 other incredibly remarkable children!! So glad you 3 had a nice day - just wrap you all in my love and so wish I was closer.
love from So. Cal
Shoping is always fun. We don't have a HL by me, but I have plenty of other stores that soothe my soul. It is wonderful to have supportive family around. I have a dad and a brother I am extremely close to, but sometimes I long for that girly connection. I had boys so I'm waiting for granddaughters. I'm hoping the happy days soon out number the hard ones. Still praying for you!
I'm so glad that you have close family to count on during this hard time. I'm still to praying for you.
what a fun day and a sweet mom! made me miss my mom (she lives in CA i live in AL). you are so blessed to have such amazing people in your life. your beauty comes from her for sure!
I agree, Jess. Your mom is wonderful!! Amazing. Incredible. I love her laughter! God has truly gifted her in many ways. I still remember the first time she came to our Bible study. What a privilege to have her and we've really missed her this spring. Hopefully she'll come back in the fall. Happy Birthday, Kathy, if you are reading this.
I love Lawrence. What a fun day you had! Where is that store? I don't remember that place when we lived there. Must not be as ancient as I am (two years older than your mom)
Looks like you had a fabulous day with your amazing mom and girls are too cute! The fabrics are so beautiful and I know you will have a great time creating dresses and such, what a gift you and Grammy have! I am so blessed to have received one of your Cora dresses! Tears came to my eyes as I saw the cute package in my mailbox and as I opened it, all I could think about was your sweet angel Cora. I still think of you all daily and you and your family are included in my daily prayers.
Love from Virginia,
Aren't moms and sisters just the best! I would not know what to do without mine. :) I pray that you continue to be strengthened and loved on daily. :)
I know you don't know me, but every time I read your blog I cry for you. And yet, every time I read your blog I love my children that much more and can only hope that they know how much I love them. You are both amazing people and parents, and you make me want to be a better mother, wife and person. Thank you.
This may sound strange coming from a stranger, but when I think of you and get that horrible pang in my heart, it eases when I think of the support you have from your family. I don't know you, and I'm across the country, but your story just brought me to my knees. I can't fathom the pain. But, as a stranger, I do find comfort in knowing you have such astrong support group. Your mom sounds amazing, especially because it must have been so very hard on her to have lost her precious granddaughter as well. Keep leaning on each other. You are ALL strong and good people.
i love aunt kath!
So nice to see you smile. What a wonderful family you have!!
(my hubby won't step foot in TJ MAXX either. Like Superman & makes him weak ;)
Your mom sounds absolutely wonderful... you continue to be in my prayers. Thanks for sharing your journey with all of us so that we have the opportunity to grow in our faith as we pray for you. Blessings... (and I hope I can be among the lucky few this next time that is able to buy a Cora dress!).
What a blessing a wonderful mom is. It seems to run in your family!
Still praying for you all. God continually uses you to inspire me, challenge me, humble me.
It's wonderful that you were able to spend your mom's birthday together.
My mom just arrived from VA (I'm in TX), and I am so excited for this visit. I am so glad that your mom is so close, in every way. I'm praying peace and comfort for your household.
My heart literally aches for you. I am just so, so, so sorry for your loss. I love looking at that sweet little face in your sidebar when I come to visit.
I am so glad that you girls were able to go and have a fun day together. You & your family seem like SUCH awesome people.
Can I just say that you are SOO adorable!! I love your outfit. Love your style. Think you are SO beautiful!!
Blessings to you! And I'm praying.
I'm glad you had a great time!
Ha! I like the comment about Joel refusing to go into Hobby Lobby. Brian waits in the car for me every time! Happy Birthday Jess's mom!
I've always wanted to see a Hobby Lobby!
We don't know each other -- but my heart is happy that you had a good day. Cora looks so much like my own little girl -- I love to see her picture and yet my heart breaks for you every time I do. The comfort truly comes from knowing there's an amazing place called heaven.
God bless you all -- and thank you for sharing. I think you've made a lot of us so much more grateful for every minute we have with our babies...
Sounds like your mom is pretty great. I'm so glad you have had her to hold your hand during the last few months (and your whole life). You're right, she does look nifty for fifty!
I was so happy so see you posted. Happy birthday to your mom. I have to say your family has beautiful looking women. You are adorable looking yourself. Thank you for sharing your mom's birthday celebration. Heidi/ coral springs, florida
You mom is beautiful!!!!! You are incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful mom and sister! I've said it before but I have no idea how you make it through each day...I hope to one day have the faith and strength that you do. I pray for you and your family often and will always remember your sweet baby girls face.
Moms are the best, aren't they? Your mom looks amazing...and sounds like she has been nothing short of amazing as well!
I am so glad that you got to have this day and some happiness. My boys and I pray for your family nightly. husband won't go in those stores with me either..and they are my favorites as well!
Also...I am so incredibly excited to see the new dresses from those pretty fabrics!! If only I would get on in time to buy some!
Jess -
It is so good to see those pics of you. I am so glad you have a great support system in your Mom & sister. I think of you often and pray for you often. You will get through these really hard days.
Take care.
Happy Birthday to your mom! So glad you girls had a day out for fun!
Oh, I love those days with my mom and sisters too. They are special and don't happen often enough for me. So glad you got to celebrate your mom in that way. Sounds fun and distracting and full of love. Good for you.
Oh the power of family females ... they can get you through anything! (OK I know God is the ultimate one but girls do pretty good, don't they).
My hat off to your Mom and all the wonderful things she's doing for you!
Yeay for girl time
Very cute posting yesterday. I loved it!
So glad to hear that you had such a great time. My mom is my best friend also, how blessed we are to call our moms "friend" :D I think of you guys often (translate-every day) and I continue to pray for you and Joel.
Hugs and prayers,
Heather~ On the Homefront
You and your mom are precious. And purse shopping at TJ Maxx is a requirement for me and my daughter at regular intervals. Sometimes shopping is just the ticket.
Such a sweet post. I lift up my yummy Java Chip Frappachino Light in your honor! Glad you could something that made you smile. The fabric store looked so fun and I'm not even that crafty. I hope your days continue to get brighter and you all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
I'm so glad you have such great family members that can be there for you. Lean on them, they won't mind.
God has blessed you with a wonderful family to walk with you through this difficult journey. I am so glad you enjoyed a day with them. My Cora dresses arrived in the mail on Saturday and I cried as I opened them and thought of you and your family and Cora. My little girl wore her dress to church on Sunday and everyone commented on her beautiful dress. Praying for you every day! Love and prayers!
Marsha in VA
I'm so glad you had a great "girls day" with your Mom and sister! Happy Birthday to your mom! All 3 of you are amazing women who support and love each other. What a blessing.
Holding you close at heart and in prayer. I am sorry for all the pain...
happy birthday kathy!!!
seeing sarah's fabrics makes me just want to kiss the computer screen! isn't it the best place in kansas?!!
did you get tons and tons?! i hope so.
i could stay there all day and take a nap in all that loveliness. day at a time.
you are so strong and sweet and precious.
all of our hearts are broken for you. i am so glad to see you had a few moments of joy with your special girls.
what a blessing.
Women who have great mom's are blessed indeed.
I checked on you everyday and my heart just breaks when I read how much you miss sweet Cora. I have been telling my family about Cora and how she has (and still is) touching people's lives.
Your Mom is your rock right now. She sounds so strong and is truly a beautiful lady. We almost share the same birthday (mine was 04/21) and I turned 52. But it is only a number. What truly matters is what is in your heart.
This looks like my kind of fun!
That fabric flower is just beautiful and I'm so glad you had a good time! You deserve it! :)
LOVE just girl road trips!!
You are so blessed to have someone so loving to lean on during this hard time. God has blessed you so much with such a loving, supportive family!
Mothers and sisters really are the best, aren't they?
I'm glad you had a good time with them =) Just keep looking for the happy and good and beautiful in the little things and the small moments and the relationships you have.
Praying for you every day. Glad your mom is there to be such a rock for you guys - I know her heart breaks for you. Hang in there,
There is nothing like a great mom. My mom just came and stayed 12 days with me in Arkansas-she is great. Its hard though having someone non stop for 12 days though-but I love her to so much. She is almost 81, I am the age of your mom. Its so fun to seeing you have a great day together-We are still keeping your family in our prayers here in arkansas. I just took my mom back home to Newton yesterday and thought of Coras playground and wondered if you had met the goal to pay for that? I am anxiously awaiting more dresses, maybe I can get one this next time-maybe my mom could just come pick one up so I won't keep losing out. I want one for my grandaughter! Our great God will give you strength-but I know we all know that-its still terribly hard when you miss your little Cora so much. Well this is long and rambling but we all do think of you daily!
Sounds like a great day together! I'm so hoping, really-really-hard, crossing my fingers, that I am quick enough this next time around to get a cute dress!
Poor Joel, he just doesn't know what he's missing- not liking TJ Maxx OR Hobby Lobby- sounds like another man I know very well :)
I'm so glad that you have your Mom and Sister to lean on.
Much love and continued prayers,
Susan in Indiana
still thinking about you and praying for you.
I'm so glad you were able to have a nice trip with some fabulous ladies :)
I received my Cora dress and it is beautiful! I look forward to seeing your new creations.
As always, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
your comment about Joel made me laugh- he is just like Adam. I can't even finish the word "hobby..." and he has tuned me out! I Am so glad you got away for some girl time. It is good for the soul. I am sorry the days have been hard, but so happy your mom and sis are so close. Hang in there girlie- we love you!
I don't even know your mom, and I love her, too! I check your blog everyday, and pray for you and peace in your soul.
What a great day! You are very blessed to have your Mother and Sister so close.
Jess, I'm so happy to hear that you got to have a little bit of fun girl time. Being so close with your mom is such a blessing. I know that Cora is just as blessed to have had you, and that you will all be together again. I knew that God had you and Joel in his hands when you were unable to post. Your strength continues to inspire me, and you both continue to be in my prayers.
It is good to "hear your voice".
I don't know what I'd do without my mom either. I'm glad you had a fun day together!
Mothers are beautiful gifts from God!!! Lifting you and Joel up in prayer!!
Aww, Jess your mom looks exactly the same as I remember her! Im glad you gals had fun in my town!! (Lawrence) I love strolling down Mass. St. (and TJ Maxx, too).
I love your M :)
Hey Jess
Where did the M end up? :)
Always in my thoughts and prayers!
What an amazing blessing to have your mom close by and available to lean on through this. I think of you guys often, in fact, something reminded me of you again last night. You are never far from our thoughts and remain in our prayers. God bless.
p.s. Those fabrics looked positively delectable! What yummy fun!
Just wanted you to know that I'm praying for you. Such a sweet post.
So glad that you have your mom and sister to lean on. They both seem like amazing people, just like you. You are in my thoughts, and prayers (all the time!) Your family has left an imprint on my heart. My heart is still hurting for you and your family.
A very happy birthday to your mom. The 3 of you look happy & that makes your blog sisters happy.
i was searching etsy to see different things benefitting the playground and have noticed ALLOT of people using Cora Paige/Playground in their titles but not acknowledging their contributions in their store profiles. I know its work you probably dont want to do right now but since Etsy knows your story, is it possible to come up with a list of people who are REALLY contributing? Rather than those people who are choosing to capitalize on this? I dont mind different charites but i would like to shop with folks who are actually in it to help, if they say they are going to help a charity not those benefitting off an angels name.
Your mom is so beautiful. You and Cora definitely take after her! :) Looks like you guys had a great time!
You are still in my prayers.
Tears are rolling down my face. Just to see you typed the word "happy", makes me happy. I'm sure it is so hard to find any happy moments right now, so it is wonderful you had a great day! My heart continues to ache for you and your husband. I check your blog daily and I can't help but to go back to old posts looking over Cora's pictures, imagining the hurt you have, and praying that God will grant you peace. God blessed you with a beautiful mother, He blessed Cora with a beautiful mother, too! Big Hugs from Georgia
I just want you to know that I have been praying for you and Joel since I heard about Cora's homegoing. I am so so sorry!!
Your faith and your love for the Lord is so inspiring to me. Keep clinging to Him and His promises. Jesus loves you all so much.
I'm looking forward to that wonderful day when there will be no more pain and no more tears...
Love and prayers,
Jess- I am so glad that you had a day out with your mom and sister. I can so relate to the joy of the day! It is so special to spend time together, even if you are shopping! We do a lot of shopping in our family:)) Spending time with ones who know you the best is so comforting. Continue to lean on them during these hard days.
I just recieved another Cora dress and I just love it. Thank you to you and Grammy.
We think of Cora everyday and continue to pray for strength for you and Joel.
Lori Kruse Raile
Just checking in to remind you how many prayers are being sent your way. You continue to inspire me and reaffirm my faith in God. You are a living example of God's love for us! I am so proud of you and Joel for going on the retreat a few weeks ago and helping each other through this journey... such a difficult and uncertain one. You are an inspiration to me and my family!
Praying for you. I know you don't think you're a strong person, but I really think you are.
Jess, I read about you on Focus on the Family's website!
If there is ever still doubt in your mind about why God has chosen this path for you, then this is yet another answer. Your little family has become quite a missionary. Cora truly is one of His shepards and your story is inspiring thousands. How amazing is His Love and Glory?
I have just stummbled on your blog and spent the last bit reading over it and crying over the loss of your sweet Cora. My heart breaks for you two as you heal and find your new norm in life. Blessings,
Wow-your Mom is a treasure...thank God for her.
I loved this post! I have been following your blog since a friend of a friend asked for prayer for you on her blog. Your thoughts are beautiful and inspiring to me, as you chronicle your grief and your love for your husband and daughter. Your writing has regularly caused me to realize my gratitute for my own husband and daughter, here many miles from Kansas. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you to your amazing Mom for being your rock, for having and raising you, and for sewing her heart out! Losing Cora must be killing her too, and watching you suffer over Cora's passing must be just agony. You are both in my thoughts daily.
So happy to know you had a good day! I am thankful to know how much sunshine your mom brings to your life!
Praying for you and Joel tonight.
Your mom seems wonderful. Great to know you have such a fabulous family that supports you in many, many ways.
Love all that fabric. It's all so bright and springy! Can't wait to see the stuff yall make with it.
My husband will absolutely not go with me to Hobby Lobby either. I try to convince him that it is a fantastic store but it's always a no-go. I'm okay with that though because he would probably rush me out the door and I like to be there for awhile :)
Still thinking of you often and praying daily for you and Joel!
Thinking of you guys today and praying for you.
Know that you are thought of and prayed for daily. Thinking of your sweet Cora with tears and smiles..
Still thinking of your family and praying for you in Alabama.
Praying for peace for you today.
I am so happy you had a fun girls day!! It made me what to shop!!
I LOVE Sarah's Fabrics! So worth the drive to Lawrence!
I am so glad that you are blessed with a wonderful mother and support system. I will keep praying for you.
I LOVE a great fabric store!! Surrounded by so many possibilities and lovely things! I get a little carried away with what I could create. I'm so glad the 3 of you were able to spend some time together. . and that Starbuck's is such a vital part of someone else's day besides me!!!
Glad that you had a great day with your mama and sister. I can commiserate with you on the list of stores my husband refuses to gets longer everyday - and Hobby Lobby is at the top.
I think of you all quite a bit and say a prayer...and I will continue. I hope you have had a great weekend.
I have read you blog for a few months now, and it takes my breath away. I lost my daughter Molly almost two years ago. She was stillborn two days before her due date. I never got to hear her cry, and never got to look in her eyes. I got to hold her precious body in my arms for just a few short hours, not the lifetime that I had hoped for. My heart breaks for you. Grief is so amazingly hard, but faith and time will get you through.
I am praying for you and your family.
It was good to see you girls SMILING again! I was so happy to hear about your wonderful day! WOW the fabrics are soooooo awesome, can't wait to see how the little dresses look. Still thinking of you daily and know you must be trying sooooo hard to smile, laugh and go on..... My heart still aches for you and wish we could do more to help. How is the part time job? And how did the playground meeting go? I am sure you were amazed at how much of an impact sweet Cora and you have made on the world when you talked about the money, prayers and donations made to such a sweet family. I am counting the days until school is OUT! My little babes are WILD and RESTLESS! and just think we have a whole month left! Love you and glad to see you post again..... Miss you all and wish you happier days ahead!
**** TELL GRAMMY Happy Late Birthday! huggsssssss! :)
You are blessed to have such a wonderful Mother. I miss mine terribly. I read something Marie Breda's Mother wrote. Marie was 5 yrs old when she choked on a bead in Church and died several days later. It was very touching and has stayed in my thoughts all day. Have you heard this story?
‘When a Shepherd wants his sheep to go to nice green pastures over a rocky, steep, difficult mountain, that the sheep did not want to climb, he will take one of the little lambs from their mother, put it on His shoulder and start over the mountain. The mother sheep will then naturally follow after her baby with the rest of the sheep in tow.’ Jesus, our Good Shepherd is leading you with Cora safe on His shoulders.
Thinking of you today.
your mom is simply the best and does look great at 52-may God grant you rest as you lean on Him...still praying for you Jess and Joel...
It has been a long time since I commented last, but I wanted to let you know that you and Joel are far from forgotten. I have Cora's picture on my fridge. Everyday it reminds me to be a better mom and wife, and everyday (or more) I pray for your family. I tell others of Cora and your faith and strength. I don't know your pain or struggles, I cannot even wrap my brain around it. But I look at your pictures and see your beautiful smile and know that somehow God's hand is guiding you towards peace and understanding in the months, years and decades to come. I will continue to pray for you and Joel every time I think of you.
Always in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping you are doing alright. Can't begin to understand how you feel, wishing I could help, but you are in my thoughts multiple times a day.
So glad you were able to spend some much needed time with your mom and sis :)
Your mother sounds like an amazing mom. :) I just wandered over here from Mama's Losin' It. I will be praying for you and your family. I'm glad you have such an awesome comfort in your mom.
I just wanted to tell you that I am glad you have an amazing mom to get through this time. My daughter passes away in Jan of this year and I wouldnt have made it without my mom! I just want to let you know I am praying for you..I know how difficult it is for me and I am sure you are going through the same thing.
Dear Jess
You have so much love in your life. It's helping you surmount the pain. It will get easier but grief is grief. Thank you for sharing.
Praying for you today.
Joel and Jess,
I am writing to say that you are not alone.
I know that sounds weird, and obviously you know that, but I guess I mean that you both and your sweet Cora are here with me in Upstate NY.
I woke this morning with a real burden on my heart to pray for you guys. I felt like God was telling me that you needed one more person lifting you up.
It's funny, because although I am pretty sure we will never meet in real life, I feel like your lives are somehow intertwined into mine now.
Your story, your family will always be written on my heart. I think of you guys every day, and I absolutely believe that God will continue to bring healing and peace to your family.
I found this quote in a book I was reading and I would like to share it with you.
"A mother's love is like a circle, it has no beginning and no ending. It keeps going around and around ever expanding, touching everyone who comes in contact with it. Engulfing them like the morning's mist, warming them like the noontime sun, and covering them like a blanket of evening stars. A mother's love is like a circle, it has no beginning and no ending." -Art Urban
Please know that you are in my heart and my prayers. May God continue to bless you.
Okay Jess, I'm having a wacky Dr. Seuss moment here, but Cora has been on my mind all day - along with Dr. Seuss lines.
The first is "A person is a person, no matter how small."
And the second is "Oh the place you'll go, oh the things you'll do."
She was so tiny but what an amazing little person! The place she went (besides Colorado);-) is heaven, a place we'll get to see her some day. What an amazing place.
And oh the things she did in her little life! Look at how many people she's touched!
I come back sometimes just to see her pictures and smile at those cheeks and thighs. She will never be forgotten.
You are weighing heavy on my mind today. My heart continues to ache for you.
Always in my thoughts and prayers.
I am SO glad that you were able to get away with your mom & sis for lots of shopping fun. Though I'm sure giving yourself over to having a little fun is hard, it is these times that will get you through.
And, yes, your mom looks fab! You are so lucky to have such amazing family close by.
Love & Prayers,
Christy Klein
Prayers and hugs - I'm with Beki - love to see those cheeks! I know she's watching over you and Joel from heaven.
I wish there were magic words I could say to make all the pain you, Joel and your families are going through go away. Anything I could say you already know, and have written yourself on this blog. Thinking of you today, and continuing to pray.
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I second what your blog friend from Peyton's Pages just said. Know that we all still hold daily in our thoughts and prayers.
I am new to your blog but I was lead here through another. I cried reading all of your posts about your wonderful, and beautiful precious baby girl. All I have to say is you, your husband and the rest of your family is how you have an amazing strength in your faith. You have inspired me to re-think my faith I have been lost with out it for a few years now. I pray for you and your family as I can not even begin to think of the hole you have in your heart! :o)
Loving and praying for you.
You are in my prayers!!
I started to cry as I read Beki's comment above...the one where she so cleverly refers to a few Dr. Seuss quotes like "oh the places you'll go...oh the things you'll do." I just love the connection that Beki points out there, so beautiful! Cora is SO amazing...she has touched so many lives, she has touched my life in a profound way and the life of everyone in my family through her life and her story. I am blessed to have been touched by Cora's story...she continues to inspire me, as do you and Joel with your faith and strength.
Praying for you!!!
PS) I love all of the beautiful pictures of your Cora, she is such an angel...the video montage you put together was amazing.
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