I’m still here…don’t worry!
We have been a little out of touch with the world this week. We had a big storm here on Sunday and lost our power. It came back on Monday morning, but our internet has been out until today. What did we do before internet?
Anyway, I have lots of catching up to do.
Hopefully in the next few days I will have time to update you about how we are doing and what we have been up to. Not tonight though. I am too tired!
Oh, and we started working on more Cora dresses this week. We had to take a little break. After the last batch we posted we were a little burnt out. But now we are refreshed (sort-of) and ready to be crafty again. More are coming!
Talk to you soon…
Amanda - well darn, you got internet, that means you don’t need to come over again and borrow mine!
But, I’m glad you can reconnect with the world!!
Love ya!
Vera - Y’all are still in my prayers!!
joy! - For months I have read your blog but never have commented. I’ve wept with you and for you. I’ve prayed for you often (the Holy Spirit has done a great job of bringing you to mind!). I continue to pray for you as you grieve and as you begin to heal. I know His grace is sufficient and I pray that it will cover you — surround you, envelop you, overtake you. I pray that He will surprise you with His goodness and His presence. May His deep peace settle into every fiber of your being. And, may your moments of joy, however fleeting, increase each day.
Marla Taviano - Prayed for you just now. Thanks so much for posting now and again to let us know how you are.
Erica - i can imagine you were burnt out after making all those adorable cora dresses! those are amazing. i still think of your family often & pray for you. you live a beautiful life! thank you.
meg duerksen - glad you are still hanging in there.
these storms have been crazy!
water everywhere.
miss your posts. i could look at sarah’s fabrics all day.
you could post those pictures everyday. 🙂
Lori - Have been thinking about you a lot the past few days…still praying for you guys! hugs!
PamperingBeki - Still praying for you daily.
Polka Dot Moon - I’m lost without my internet 😉
My family is in CO and they had some big storms last week. Down here we’ve already had temps in the high 90’s! Mother Nature sure is fickle lately!
You both are in my thoughts.
Christina - It always blows my mind that you have it in you to think of reassuring your readers that you are going to keep them updated! I must say, I am guilty of checking frequently, even though I don’t know you personally. I pray for refreshing each day, and for the Lord to carry you through each moment. You are missed when you take a break, because you are such a boon to all who come by. I pray, too, that you will be blessed, encouraged, and strengthened as only He can.
Susan - Thanks for the quick update! I can imagine that making all those dresses would burn me out too 🙂
But…I can’t wait to try again to get one!
Hope to hear that you’ve been doing well, as well as can be expected. You are in my prayers daily.
I imagine things are getting busy around your farm??? We’ve had so much rain that our planting is way delayed…but that means more time for my “honey-do” list.
Have a wonderful weekend~you’re never far from my thoughts.
Susan in Indiana
Cassandra Thibault - YAY- I thought I had missed out on getting one of those adorable dresses and I want one so badly. I just bought two messy flower headbands yesterday! You and your family are in my prayers!
Micah - I definitely understand the craft burn out! Anxious to hear how you are doing, and still praying!
Anonymous - So relieved to see a post from you. Isn’t it something how you and your family have become so important in my world, although I am sure we will never meet here..Can’t wait to read more.
Always in my thoughts and prayers!
Tsquared417 - I will finally comment today since there are only 14 and there are usually hundreds! I read your blog every day. I am inspired by your strength. Thinking of you and praying for you and your family.
The Jones' - Sorry about the whole internet thing!! Seriously, What DID we do? I would be lost…thats sad! On the other hand, I am excited to hear how things have been.
Prayers & hugs,
Heather's Home (aka Chez Hez) - UGH! Spring storms are almost worse than the summer storms! You never know if it’s going to be warm enough for things to really get dicey, especially here in the Midwest. 😛
Take your time and you’ll get your crafty groove back in time. <3 Still prayin' for you, hon!
~ Heather
Misty Rice - Welcome back…. we’ve missed hearing from you. Can’t wait to hear the update and see the new Cora’s dresses.
ml - Still praying for you in Alabama, and I really want to get my hands on one of those dresses!
Miss Em - Breaks are always good. I tend to take them quite frequently from my blog, LOL. When you are ready to post an update I would love to hear how the fundraising for the playground is going. When you have time of course.
You are always in my prayers,
TRICIA boutellefamilyzoo@yahoo.com - I’m glad to hear that you are both doing well.
Now I need to keep “stalking you”
so that I can actually get a dress this time! 😉
I’m always the last one to arrive.
Have a great weekend!
Still praying,
The Di Vito's - I am not sure how to contact you except to leave a comment. I live in Ft Lauderdale, Fl which is in Broward County. I was reading the Broward County Paper (The Sun Sentinel) and I saw that the flower of the month is the Catharanthus roseus ‘Cora’ and
‘Cora’ Madagascar periwinkle. I instantly thought of your sweet Cora, and it brought a smile to my face. Here is the link to the May gardening calander where it talks about the flower. http://www.sun-sentinel.com/media/acrobat/2009-04/46628843.pdf
I hope it also brings a smile to your face!
Megan (meganb.realtor@yahoo.com)
mandi @ it's come to this - So glad to see a post … still praying for you & your family!!
The little things - thinking of you today….
Michelle - Good to hear from you. Hopefully no damage from the storm. We lost power for three days a few years back in the middle of winter – thankfully we had a fireplace. Sometimes I think its good to go without something, it serves as a reminder to be thankful for what we do have. Blessings and prayers for you.
COurntey - Sooo good to hear from you. I must say I can’t help but check your blog several times a day to see if you have posted anything new. Love the Cora dresses to bad my girlies are not that small anymore. (size 5 and 8 hint, hint)
Love In Christ
Rebecca - It is good to hear from you. Thinking of you and praying for you, Joel, your families and your friends every day.
Robin in Benton - Praying for you daily – sometimes being out of touch is a good thing-but I’m glad that you’re reconnected!
Whimsical Creations - hugs
Tonya - Just wanted to pop in and let you know that you’re still in my thoughts and prayers. I lost my first son almost 16yrs ago and I still remember how hard it was when a little time had passed and others were moving on w/their lives and I was still a broken pile of tears. My world had literally stopped and I just couldn’t understand why it was still spinning for others. I see now that God carried me through that horrible time…just as He’s carrying you. Lean on Him!
emme j - please be happy 🙂
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