still coming

We haven't abandoned our Etsy project. It is still coming. We have lots of things ready to sell, but it is taking me awhile to get the pictures taken and everything uploaded. I have a new appreciation for all of you crafty Etsy people. This is a lot of work! Hopefully by the end of the day we will have Cora's shop open.
Since I am new to all of this I needed help getting started. I decided to e-mail Sara from Sarah + Abraham to ask for some help with my banner and logo. She was wonderful and designed everything for me. Stickers and tags too. I just love how it turned out! Thank you Sara. Make sure you check out her Etsy shop and blog too.
The weather here in Kansas has been beautiful. Usually that makes me so happy, but it has been hard. It just makes me think of all the things I had planned to do with Cora this Spring and Summer. She would have been at that fun walking and exploring stage. We had planned to play outside, go on walks, go to the park, swim... It just makes me so sad all the time. I am trying to find joy in the little things. Through the tears I have so much to be thankful for. So for right now, I am thankful to be busy with this Etsy shop. Hopefully coming soon (like tonight)...
Sending a hug your way!!!! :o)
You are in my thoughts and prayers. I ran across your blog several weeks ago and my heart breaks for you. God is with you always.
I wake up praying for your family. I fall asleep praying for your family. I pray for you as a mother. I pray all day for strength, peace, and comfort for your family. Mother to mother; my heart breaks for you.
Saying sorry isn't enough.
So I will continue to pray.
Your story is changing hearts.
Cling to the promise of God's will and purpose.
Sending you hugs and lots of love, Jess. You've been on my mind all morning. My 5yo daughter and I have been packaging things to get in our etsy store for Cora. I'm praying for you, hon.
and, WOW! I love the shop banner that you've got. I can hardly wait to see what great things you & your mom have crafted.
May God's hand be upon you,
As I said in my debut blog post yesterday, part of the reason I'm blogging over here right now is because of you folks and how much you've pulled me over here with your beautiful girl and your story. Know that there are people all over this 'verse who are praying for you ... I'm just one of 'em.
Can't wait for your shoppe! Take care! <3
I love the logo! It is precious. My girls love their Cora flower bows from Beki @Pampering Beki. They know all about sweet Cora Paige and they ask about you a lot.
So, from the Nortons in Oklahoma, lots of love, hugs, and prayers are being sent to you!
You are in my thoughts and my prayers.
Praying for you, Jess! Just watched the beautiful video of Cora. Oh, she's gorgeous. And so are you!
Being a mother, grandmother, and elementary teacher, I am sick at heart for you and your family. I can't begin to imagine your pain. Cora must be the most precious angel in heaven smiling down on you. She has been released from her suffering and I pray that you find solace in that thought.
I am so in awe of your strength. but lease don't feel like you need to be strong all the time, that you need to get through this... What you have lost is what mothers hold most valuble... it is okay to be sad. I just wanted to say that...
You, your husband and your sweet baby angel are in my thoughts and prayers all the time. I wear my cora's playground necklace every single day. It is a reminder to me to cherish my children because I don't know what kind of ending God has in their story. It is also a reminder to me that I need to do my part in the fight for a cure for pediatric cancer. Your little Cora is an inspiration to me... I along with thousands of others are sending lots of love and prayers your way. I hope you can feel it, that your not alone...
I am still thinking of you and praying for you daily. I have a precious Cora flower from Beki and I can't wait to see what you have made so I can support the playground even more!
I am so PROUD of you!
I lost my brother in a tragic accident and, although it is not at all the same as losing your precious Cora, I feel I can somewhat relate to your pain. There will be many sad and difficult days ahead for you as well as SO VERY MANY good days. You are obviously doing what you can to carry on and that is AMAZING!
I think of you often, though we have not met, and I am strengthened by your story.
Because of Cora's story I am now headed back to school to pursue a degree in nursing where I am hoping I might make a difference to a family like yours. Thank you - your story has taken me down this path.
I think it is wonderful that you are putting your passion into making beautiful creations to sell in Cora's honor. As others have said, your sadness is right for such a time as this. Your experience makes absolutely no sense this side of heaven, and I can't imagine a more difficult journey for a parent to have to make. Know this: you'll always be Cora's mommy and daddy, and she'll always be your daughter. And because you're willing to share your story, people like me are committing to fight childhood cancer all the harder.
--Kelley in GA
just imagine Cora painting your skies blue as a "hello from heaven". i would imagine that i would be feeling such despair and sadness with rain and gray skies, so might as well enjoy the beauty of perfect weather as a reminder of her beauty.
i'm crying for you even now. i don't know you but wish i could reach through this monitor and hug you. and sit and craft. and even though i don't know how to upload anything to etsy, i'd try to figure it out just to help you. i wish i could fix you a casserole and dessert (because that what we do in the South).
oh, i just wish i could help.
sweet sweet cora. i think of her constantly, but only a fraction of what you do, i'm sure.
Hi Jess and Joel,
I am debuting my first blog in the next couple of weeks and I would love to add a Cora's Playground button to my side bar. If that is possible, I would love to help spread your story. I check your blog daily, so if there's a chance of adding a button I'm sure lots of us out here would help. My prayers continue to be with you.
Your family has been in my thought since I started reading your blog a couple weeks ago. My heart breaks for your family but you show such strength. May God bless you and your family.
Our prayers are with you.
Thinking of you, praying for you and crying for you EVERYDAY!!!
I think I'm just going to have to tell you everyday that your faith is inspiring. I pray for your broken heart to hurt a little less everyday.
Lots of Blessings
from Steph in CA.
I would love to meet you. I am speaking at a conference in Wichita in May. I would love to visit the sight where Cora's playground is going to be.
I can't wait for your shop! Looks like you have some "girly" stuff in there ;)
I found your blog yesterday through other blogs. You have an amazing testimony! I pray things get easier to understand.
I can't wait for your etsy shop! I am already standing in line!!!
Jess and Joel,
Thank you for sharing everything with all of us that don't know you in real life, but feel like we know you through everything that you have shared with us. Cora was such a precious little girl. I think about her, and about you guys all the time. I am so flored by your faith in God. If there were more people in this world like you it would be a much better place. I will continue to follow your blog and can't wait till you open your shop so I can buy one of your crafts for my daughter.
I will continue to pray for you guys and your family! God bless you all, and just know that He is taking good care of your precious little angel, Cora.
You do know that you're amazing, right? You are.
I remember thinking that several years ago while watching you with your class. And over the past month, I've seen it more and more.
God bless you today.
Take it one day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time. I'm sure you know this.
I'm hoping to meet with Jen, blessedmomto7 in Wichita in May so if you want to meet up with us, that could be fun!
Thinking of you and praying for you all the time. My 10 year old daughter talks about little Cora a lot - your story has touched her heart, too. I am looking forward to visiting Cora's ETSY shop. You are doing amazing things for others in terms of their faith, trust in the Lord, and appreciation for "enjoying the moment". Bless you always,
Tracy (Brisbane, Australia)
Your strength is truly amazing. Isn't Sara from sarah & abraham the best?! I see that you have some button requests... If you want to post the code to grab the button in your sidebar, I have the code to paste in a new HTML, but blogger won't let me post it in this comment. Please let me know if I can email it to you! Sending prayers your way... xoxo
I look forward to seeing your Etsy shop opening. Darling logo; how completely perfect it is. You absolutely amaze me! I hope that this crafting is, indeed, offering you a distraction as you heal. I've become an Etsy fan, through all of this.
As I head outdoors in this beautiful Kansas weather, I ache for you, too, knowing what precious times those "outdoor" days are, for a Mother and Child. May God be with you today, and bring you a ray of sun to warm your heart. May He somehow ease that pain you feel in missing your precious Cora. I bet she is playing outdoors in Heaven :)
Please know you're being prayed for daily, by many of us--you and Joel both--and your families too. Kansas hugs to you, Danielle
Hugs and prayers to you.
Greetings from North Carolina! I found your blog through a bloggy friend of a friend...Your family's strength and courage in the face of such heartbreaking tragedy is truly, truly inspiring.
I pray daily for you and your family. I loved the video of the pictures of Cora. Beautiful baby!
I have been crying on and off for two days, ever since I found out about you and your sweet, sweet Cora. As a mother, I ache for you, and yet I can't imagine what your pain must be. You are so strong - I don't know how I could carry on in your place. The power of your family is that you touch and inspire so many! You make me wish there was something I could do to ease your pain, to make some sense of your loss. I have never prayed in my life - it is a testimony to you and your beautiful baby that I wish I could pray for you now. I can send you love, though - that is one small thing I can do...and tell you Cora has changed the life of yet another complete stranger, made it richer and more meaningful. May your heart find peace...
I just found your blog for the first time and I'm fighting back the tears here at work.
We will pray for the ongoing strength of your family. Rely on each other, talk about your feelings as often as you can, and never stop trusting in God. For as sure as Cora was meant to be here for 11 months, she was meant to be your daughter and your gift for that time as well. And you were both meant to be her parents and to journey through this part of life together. God designed you to withstand this together.
Lots and lots of prayers being lifted up for you in South Dakota.
One breath and tear at a time my friend.... no rush, no forgetting the hurt.... just you learning how to wake up every day still rejoicing in all the good you see around you...... that is what makes YOU so beautiful.
You are doing amazing.... but allow the tears to flow, you have that right and we are hear to catch them for you and get you through another hard moment.
I wished you lived near me....Id come over and pick you up and take you for lunch and we would laugh and cry together.
Thinking of you.
Sweet hugs
You are doing such an honor to your little girl's name, refusing to give up on life. You give me inspiration to hang on to God through thick and thin. We are praying for your family and I'm sure Cora and God are so honored that you continue to praise Him, even in this time of darkness.
I found your blog thru a nestie that mentioned Etsy shop to support Cora. Thank you for sharing your story. My heart goes to you and your family. Sending you hugs and love. I'll be checking out the Etsy shop. I would love to take part in Cora playground project. She was such a beautiful girl.
Praying God's continued comfort and sufficient grace for you both...
Sending you love and prayers...daily,
Kelly Gerken
Sufficient Grace Ministries
You are an amazing woman. How you get out of bed each morning astounds me. My son had a heart transplant a little over a year ago, he is now fighting hard to regain his independence and mobility. There are days I can barely see through my fog of sadness, but you, who have suffered so much at such a young age, have managed to find the light.
God Bless you sweet girl, you inspire me to see the sunshine again. Cora will never be forgotten here in NJ. Many, many prayers,
Jess, I'm so excited to see all the things you'll be posting in your Etsy shop! Glad to see that you've found something to help keep your hands busy and to remember Cora with. Thinking and praying for you still.
So glad you're able to do something creative! I'm one of many that can't wait to see your shop :)
Thinking and praying for you daily.
Sending hugs and prayers to you! You are on my mind so often. My heart just breaks for you!! I watched both videos that you posted. They were both just beautiful!! Thanks for sharing them.
Love the banner! Can't wait to see what you post!
Still praying for your family as well. Can't wait to see your shop!
I am praying for you and your husband & family. God's peace to you. I lost my sister two years ago and I still go to call her to tell her something. Hang in and know that you are loved and Cora is sending that sunshine down to you. Ruth
ooh, I love your banner.
Thanks for your honesty, Jess. The little peek at the shop looks adorable-- love your style. Still praying!
i'm excited to see what is in your shop!
i've been following your blog for awhile now and am saddened by your loss. i lost my little girl about 5 years ago. it's a difficult time. a time where everyone wants you to be the way you were and happy. i have no doubt you will be happy again with the strength you have in God, but it will take time. it sounds like you have an awesome family and church family that will give you lots of hugs and strength!
i am one of the many shops participating in Cora's legacy :) so glad to be apart of this.
i think of you often and pray for you and your husband... xoxoxo sending you hugs (not the weird interenet kind, just hugs <3 )
oh man, sorry that (<3) was suppose to be a heart. oops :)
you are in my prayers, sweet mama.
Jess. I love the banner! and I can't wait to see your stuff @ Etsy. until I read about it on your blog the other day, i had never heard of it. Great idea!. Know that we are thinking of you, and always praying for you.
-anita (fisher) marlow
It must seem as though Cora is everywhere, reminding you of the "what if's" a million times a day. Remember Jess, she is everywhere. I know your heart is breaking, and I'm praying your heart is comforted. Since I "met" Cora on January 23rd, I have prayed for you as I do the most mundane tasks. Yesterday as I shopped in a store for my daughter, I thought about how hard it must be or will be to see baby girl clothes, and I prayed. As I exercised on the treadmill, I prayed for you. As I cooked dinner, I thought of how dinner time is so different at your home these days, and I prayed for you. The point of my rambling is that I pray for you each time I think of you and will continue to do so. I am looking forward to your Etsy store and feeling thankful you have a project to keep you busy. I am in awe of your strenght.
It is an unfortunate truth that sometimes it takes someone else's tragedy to make you take a good hard look at your own life. My son is nearly a year old, and recently I found myself feeling sad over the fact that his first year flew by so quickly, crying when I looked at his baby pictures. I now realize that feeling that way is selfish. I am lucky enough to have this next year with him, and hopefully a lifetime. I guess what I'm trying to say is that your sweet Cora has had a huge impact on me and the way I feel about my little boy growing up. I am blessed to have this time with him. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us. My heart breaks for you and your tremendous loss. You are in my thoughts constantly.
Sending you lots of hugs and prayers. I came across your blog about a month ago. I am so sorry for your loss. God will see you through!
Love the logo..your Cora is so proud of her mommy...oh how I wish I could take some of your pain..It's ok to cry and miss your baby girl...Let yourself....we are crying with you, for you...Can't wait to shop somemore..maybe something for a baby boy :)Thinking of you, praying for you multiple times everyday!
Your family is in my prayers daily. Cora will always be remembered. I can't wait to get some items from your shop to help support the playground. Rest in peace beautiful little girl.
Welcome to Etsy!
How totally fun you are crafting!
I was thinking of you today and was telling my friend about you...which brought me back to your blog (again).
Michelle :)
you are amazing!! you go ahead & feel ANY way you want to feel at anytime! you've earned that right!!
can't wait to see the shop!!
I can't wait to see your shop of goodies!!
Haven't really felt the same since I read your heartfelt story. My heart aches for you. You were thought of often today here in Ireland. Sending you and your husband hugs from across the Atlantic Ocean {{{{{}}}}}}
p.s. Is there any way when you set up your etsy shop that you can put on a button for 'Facebook' to 'become a fan'. That way more people will be able to see your little store. I know I am waiting for it to open!
Your strength and courage is amazing. Allow yourself the time to mourn and heal with out apologies for the hard times. Our hearts heal, our days get easier, but it all takes time.
God bless your sweet angel Cora and your entire family.
Thoughts, hugs and prayers your way today.
The banner looks fabulous - can't wait for your shop to open!
Thinking about you & praying for you everyday.
Hugs From California,
Christy Klein
I continue to pray for you and your sweet family. Your beautiful Cora Paige is leaving her legacy. I think of you all daily. Wish I could do something to ease your pain. Sending you prayers and hugs from Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
bless your heart. you are def in my prayers...
anxious to see your fab things in the etsy shop!
Thinking of you, and praying for you and your family. You have an amazing strength and faith. Know that Cora shines down on you.
Sending you hugs!!! My heart aches that you don't get to fulfill those dreams and times with Cora on this earth.
I have you in my prayers everyday!!
Praying for healing for your heart.
You are always on my mind. I found your blog through another link. I cried and then I prayed for you and your family. You are strong and brave and your love for the lord is unwavering. You are a great example of how we have to trust in the Lord always! Thank you for continuing to blog I love reading it! And good luck with your upcoming Etsy shoppe. I pray that you continue to find comfort in the great Lord! Love your friends in Canada.
"Through the tears I have so much to be thankful for."
You TRULY are an AMAZING woman! I aspire to be more like you!!!
"Through the tears I have so much to be thankful for."
You TRULY are an AMAZING woman! I aspire to be more like you!!!
I really don't know how do these blod thingys...but I want to contribute some things to your lil' store in honor of Corav. I would like to know if I can mail you some things so you can sell them and put that money to her playground? If so, can you give me a place to mail them too? They are Swavroski (sp) crystal and sterling silver braceletts that my daughter and I make...
My email is
I would love to hear from you.
Can't wait to see all your wonderful things. We continue to lift your family in prayer daily.
You truly are amazing. I admire your faith and strength.
saddened to hear of your loss. friends of mine just lost their 7 year old to a vicious brain tumor the last sunday of january. just like you- their faith has been their rock.... feel free to visit their website and read about their journey and faith. i know they would appreciate it and will add you to their prayer list!
I'm sure there will be many difficult days ahead filled with memories of your precious daughter and all the dreams you had for her. Know that you are being prayed for continuously.
Can't wait to see the new Etsy shop! The banner is beautiful!
We are still praying in Iowa. I have soooo much on my heart that I would love to say, but I just don't know where to start. I'm excited for the shop and hope to fill the girls Easter baskets with many fun things. What an inspiration!!! It is great to see how God is using you, but I am deeply sorry for what it cost you!
Tammie McDonald Maddy
I just found your blog. I lost my baby girl one year ago also. My heart goes out to you, I know your pain. I believe we will be with our daughters again. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
I continue to think of you each and every day. My heart is still breaking for you and your family. I hope that this time spent crafting with your mom helps you to find a little relief in your days.
Can't wait to shop at your new store! Still praying!
I am a much older woman who has experienced much loss. I though have never been exposed to such strong and inspirational adults. your continued love and lack of bitterness towards God has changed me only for the better. I too can only say from a stranger, i am truly sorry for your loss,Cora was beautiful,and thank you for sharing your life with the public.with only love and good wishes,T.S.
Oh my goodness...I just watched your video. Words just can't even come to me. My heart aches...I can't imagine how your's aches. Such a beautiful little girl. You are an amazing couple. I pray for your strength
Jess, you have such a beautiful spirit, I know it is the (in italics) Spirit. How wonderful that you are able to take your pain and do something so meaningful with it. My heart breaks to hear all of those "I was going to... with Cora" and oh, how I wish you didn't have to go through this.
The Cora banner is precious. So like a little girl. Keep clinging to your heavenly Father, and those around you who love you.
Still praying you guys. I am excited to see what is in your shop!
Hugs and love....
I can't even count the times I think of you during the day. I trust that at each of those times God sends you just what you need at that moment to make it to the next. You are a courageous and generous woman, and I pray the compassion we all feel for you helps get you through.
Still praying...and sending hugs your way! =)
Can't wait to see your shop!!
What a beautiful thing you are doing. Sending love and prayers your way from CA.
In my prayers & thoughts
Wow, I just watched Cora's video. She is just beautiful and so very loved by so many people. I pray for you every day as you learn how to live this new life without your precious girl. May God hold you close, always.
Jess, sitting here patiently waiting to see your shop! I can't wait!
Still lifting you up in prayer everyday. I know that's God's Grace and Love is surrounding you at this very moment.
"For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
I'll be a witness in the silences
When words are not enough
With every breath I take
I will give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love"
I pray for you every day...many times more than once a day. Your life is an amazing testimony to God's strength in our lives. I've loved shopping the Etsy shops, and I can't wait to see your stuff!
hope today is better jess. the sunshine has to be hard.
your etsy stuff is SO CUTE!! it's going to sell like hot cakes (whatever that means?)
Can't stop thinking about you. love you guys so much.
thanks for encouraging me....even in your pain. you are so sweet.
take your time on your shop...we will be here waiting for you when you are ready. don't stress or rush. God knows just the right time.
Jessica and Joel, I read your blog through Etsy. I purchased something from lucabella. I wish I could do something more for you.
Just know this; your story makes me appreciate my son (15 months) so much more. That's truly all that I can give you.
My heart is deeply broken for you. Please keep your faith.
We pray for you guys every night. Our sweet two-year-old, Ben, knows that Cora's Mommy & Daddy (and his Mimi, also battling cancer) are remembered, LIFTED UP, each night. We'll keep on praying. And I can't wait to purchase an Etsy-Cora dress (or something frilly and fabulous) for my baby girl. New mercies each morning, praise the Lord!
You don't know me but I ran across your blog somehow "bloghopping" and wanted to tell you that I am praying for you and your family. I look forward to buying some cute stuff from Etsy. Your baby girl is in good hands!
love you guys!!! jess your stuff looks great:) we want to have a girls weekend in lincoln with you when you are up to it.
cousin kristy:)
The banner turned out so cute! Can't wait to check out your shop. Hugs from Utah.
Think of the warm sunny days and the sun shining on your face as Cora's way of smiling at you from heaven. Take a walk in the park, warm your face in the sun, think of memories, think of (what you've been thinking of) what you would have done with Cora, think of it all, it's all healing. Trust me the sad feelings will soon soften, although never go away, and you will begin to live again in the sun. I know it's hard but keep her memory alive. You were such a great loving mommy & daddy to her when she was alive. If you keep her memory alive & think of her often you will be great parents of her while she is in heaven until you meet again.
I hope to purchase some things from your Etsy shop when you get it up and running...keeping you guys in my prayers!
Popping in on this Thursday to let you know that you've been thought about and prayed for today.
God bless you.
Still thinking of you...everyday..multiple times a day. Praying for you to find some comfort/peace from the heartache..You and Joel are remarkable.
I am so glad to hear that you are finding something to keep you busy and slowly start the healing process. I have been brainstorming ideas on how Maple Memories could help with Cora's Playground. I have a couple of ideas that I would love to run by you. If you have an interest, you can email me at and I will let you know what I'm thinking!!
You are in my thoughts and prayers daily.
God bless your family! Your story breaks my heart, as a parent of a 19 month old son who has had over 22 operations since birth! I'm sure your strong faith will give you the strenght you need to carry on! Your daughter is such a beautiful child and her smile will carry you through life! Please know that the entire country feels your pain and prayers and hugs are with you always!
I spend almost my entire day thinking about and praying for your family...just can't seem to get you out of my mind. I guess it helps me to be more thankful of what I have in my life. I can't wait to see what you have made for your etsy shop and look forward to purchasing something for our little girl in remembrance of Cora! Blessings to you all!
"The measure of a life is not its duration but its donation"
I have left a couple of comments.
I am like AmyFlew and can't seem to get you guys out of my mind. I have a daughter that is 10 months old and she reminds me so much of Cora. I wish there were some way I could help ease your pain, but I know I can't. I hope you can find peace in all the prayers and knowing Cora has changed so many lives. Personally I cherish my daughter more, which I did not think was possible. I have also been going to church and trying to live a "better" life since reading your story.
Cora has touched so MANY lives; mine included. I pray for all of you every night.
Hi Jess,
You wrote this in your blog when your friend Julie had little Ori.
"She is so faithful to trust God and has such a positive attitude even as she spends those long hours in the hospital. I only hope that I could handle a situation like this with such grace."
All I can say is WOW! God is so proud of you. Praying for you daily as you struggle with your pain and this amazing yet terrible experience that God is leading you through. Much Love,
Praying that God's peace will surrond you!
I just came here through Lost and Found. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter. After reading your story I am sitting here in tears. Sending lots of hugs and prayers your way.
Wow! Thank you for sharing Cora's story. You are so brave! I will be praying for you and your family, for God's healing. What a beautiful thing you are doing to keep her spirit alive. I can imagine that she is smiling from the heavens...happy, healed, safe and wrapped in the arms of Jesus.
Here are two blogs of families that go to our church...didn't know if they would be helpful?
I look forward to seeing Cora's shop open soon! Your banner is beautiful.
Your faith and strength has reached far and wide. Cora's life has made a difference in many lives. My daughter in Georgetown, TX to me in my rural community of the NC mountains. She has blessed so many.
May You Feel God's Hand on you today and always,
I have just read your entire BlOG and all about your precious little girl. I am not real sure how I ended up on you BLOG site, but I believe there is a reason for everything. I have been so moved by everything I have read, I cannot even find the words to describe what I am feeling. I am amazed that through your entire journey with Cora's illness you were able to maintain such a strong faith and express your thoughts and emotions so beautifully.
I cannot begin to imagine the pain and sense of loss you are feeling as young parents, but I do know one thing. You will always be Cora's Mommy and Daddy and she will always be your beautiful little girl! May God continue to hold you in His Grip, and may you continue to find comfort in knowing that your baby is with Him forever.
I just recently found your blog through another blog. I was intrigued at first because I'm a fellow Kansan, but after beginning to read it became so much more than that.We recently lost our son shortly after birth, and though no two losses are the same, I am acquainted with the grief of losing a child. Be patient with yourself. Cora is such a beautiful little girl. I cried all the way through her slide show. What a beautiful tribute to your precious girl. I know there are no words to bring you comfort, but know that I am truly sorry for your loss.
Your family is in my thoughts and prayers! I understand what its like to lost a precious baby. My baby girl passed away in January. Both of our girls are beautiful angels and healed from their disease!
You and your family are in our hearts and prayers. Many days you all have been heavy on my heart. I have cried a lot for your loss and will continue to pray and lift you guys up. I have a 10 month old that I named Ella (second runner up was Cora!) and I cant imagine what you guys are going through. Thankfully you guys have The Lord to rely on to carry you through these tough times. I wish I could give you a great big hug!! Cora's precious life was for a reason and her legacy will live on!! Please let me know what I can do to spread the word about the Playground Project!!
i dont know about you, but i wasnt suprised that all of your Etsy shop things sold out.
When you get some more stuff, we will be there, its adorable!
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