Sweet Baby Mac.

Even with all these mixed emotions, we love him/her so much already.
Seeing these pictures at our sono last week definitely made me want to hold our baby.
I think we are both ready for our arms to not feel so empty.
This little one was moving all over the place the day of the sono.
The technician was having trouble getting the pictures she needed.
Which is funny because they had to push all over my stomach to get Cora to move around.
She was a very calm baby and didn't move that much.
We might have our hands full with this one.
But that is ok with us.
We could use a little excitement around here.
And we are anxious to know this little one that God has created just for us.
Just precious!
The baby is so cute already I am so happy for you and Joel!
God Bless!! Summer in California
What a great picture!!! My kids were the opposite as well...and still seem to be that way! Can't wait to see your belly pictures again!!
Always praying in Nebraska,
P.S. I still need to get a thank you and a picture sent out to you of my daughter in her Cora dress!! Sorry it's taken me so long! Hope to get that out to you sooooon!!
How sweet, I think you may want to buy blue. What a blessing.
I think it's going to be a boy!! At least that's what it looks like anyways!!! ;)
So many intricate details! We can rest in His wisdom as He fashioned your Cora and our little Joel that His purposes were and are being fulfilled.
What a wonder it is to see them in inside!
Pray for you often....
(Joel's mommy)
That was the same with me - Josh wouldn't move for nothing! But Jill rolled and rolled around my tummy. Can't wait to hold this precious little one!!
I love love love that pictures! So sweet. Lovin' & missing you all. Can't wait to meet this little blessing.
Wow!! Thank you Lord!!!!!
I can't even tell you how excited I am for you. I check your blog ALL the time for updates. :)
Cute picture! I am so excited for you and the play ground is adorable.
so excited for your sweet family. praise God for this sweet baby. and praise God for your sweet Cora, who's story has touched so many. i still pray for your family and thank you for sharing your story on this blog.
I'm teary-eyed reading this - what a blessing! I can't wait to "meet" this precious child!
Hope you're feeling well & that pregnancy is treating you kindly. Our prayers & thoughts are with you always.
your baby is beautiful! ummmmmmm with all that activity it may be a boy :)
That picture made me smile SO BIG.
I am SO excited for you!
Oh, there is nothing like that picture! How awesome.
Awww...congrats again! BTW, my son was extremely hyper for every ultrasound, but he is super laid back, so you never know. :)
So precious!
So excited for you! This little one has been designed just for you and just for this moment. He/She is perfect and I know you can't wait to meet.
I love sonogram pictures!! Congrats:-)
AWWWW precious baby . I can't wait for you to hold him/her :)
Beautiful!!!! I am so happy for you- He will certainly turn your tears into dancing!
So beautiful!! I'm thinking it's a boy!!
God bless Baby Mac! :-)
Takes my breath away and makes me to excited for you. I say BLUE, also...I think an active little boy will be perfect for you guys.
Oh how exciting, sweet and wonderful.
Praise GOD.... I love the LEGACY Cora is leaving, and watching you guys smile again through all the still very raw pain.
God Bless.
A true miracle and such a beautiful picture...I couldn't help but saw awwwwww....I'm so thrilled for you both and I continue to pray for your sweet family always. Have a blessed weekend!
So truly happy for you!!! I can't wait for the pictures of this new child playing on Cora's Playground
Hi Jess and Joel.
What a precious little bean you have there. It will probably feel like the rest of your pregnancy is dragging now that you got to sneak a peek. It felt that way for me. I just wanted to hold my girls.
What a great photo. Perfect profile. I'm so excited for you both, and looking forward to the day that we can all "meet" new baby Mac.
Prayers and love,
P.S. I saw the pics of the playground on Meg's blog. It's just amazing! I'm sure it will be a blessing to your family and community for years to come.
Oh, that is just precious! I am only nine weeks, so right now my ultrasound pictures look like blobs.
I can imagine that this pregnancy has been bittersweet in the light of the loss of your sweet Cora. I am so sorry that she was so suddenly taken from you. Thank you for holding strong to the Lord, even amidst the gut-wrenching heartache.
This baby is so blessed to be brought into your family.
So thrilled for your family! What a beautiful precious little blessing you have!
What a BLESSING! Sending prayers, love & hugs your way!
i could probably guess the sex of the baby on that one for sure..and I have hard time making out anything on those things:))
and we can't wait to meet that little one! any names yet?
Praise God! He/She is a gift that God made especially for you and your hearts will be a little more full! Prayers for a continued pregnancy!
Precious, beautiful gift! I cannot wait to "meet" Baby Mac #2 :) I know you cannot wait, either.
You and Joel are always in my thoughts and prayers.
How great is our God! Love getting a sneak peak at Baby Mac..My two babies were just like that as well. My girl(who is 20 years old) was not so active but my baby boy(who is 1 year old) was and STILL IS very very active. Just a little bit of age difference :)
How wonderful and hard for you at the same time.
In my thoughts and prayers!
what a sweet sweet baby! you guys are so blessed with this new life coming into your home. i have two kids and they are opposites as well... sean never moved when i was prego but is SUPER busy now; nolan moved ALL the time when i was prego but is very chill. it's so fun to see their different personalities.
He/she is beautiful. I can't wait to meet this little one either (via your blog of course, ha ha) The playground is truely awesome! Sending hugs.
Praising God for this sweet baby! So excited for you both!
I just want to second what everyone else has said. What a marvelous holiday gift you are going to get. One of my children was born on December 20 and it is so wonderful to have a new baby at that time of the year. Still praying for you and yours each day.
I love how you phrase it ... "We are ready to have our arms full again"
So excited for you.
Kinda making me want to have another...
Blessings to you and sweet baby mac!
I am happy for you guys. Ever since I started reading your blog I have prayed for you that not only will God comfort you & your family but that He will bring JOY to your lives again.
This is just precious. I am so happy for yall. Congrats. Oh yeah and I'm thinking so blue is very much needed. I may be wrong but thats my bet :)
Just seeing that sono picture made me burst into tears. (hello, hormones...)
I could NOT be more excited for you guys!
And I'm a firm believer that you can start to see the baby's personality in the womb. I didn't realize it with my first pregnancy, but with the subsequent ones, I could really tell.
And those kids turned out just as I'd expected!
So prepare yourself for a fun and feisty one. :)
Congratulations and thank you for sharing your wonderful picture with us. All the best, Renee
Wow, what a clear ultrasound picture! S/he is adorable already. I can't wait for your arms to be less empty either.
Boy or girl, pink or blue one
things for sure, that bundle of joy will be loved beyond measure.
Many many blessings,
Trasie Bressler
How sweet! Isn't is amazing what God creates and to know this baby was created just for you and Joel!
Love and prayers,
Marsha in VA
Wow, looks like you might be getting a boy.
i can already tell it looks just like you. :)
How precious!!
Love, Love, Love the pics. He/She is so sweet! Do you have names picked out yet. I think your next contest should be how people came up with the kiddos names.
Courtney Mayfield
Precious! I haven't visited for a while and I didn't know you are expecting again. I can't tell you how happy I am for you both! God bless you both and your little one.
How sweet! You have been blessed by *such* a beautiful baby again!
Thank you so much for sharing such a beautiful photo of the baby. It brought tears to my eyes. I prayed looking at the photo that this baby is blessed with good health. You seem like such a kindhearted soul, I am very happy god is blessing you both with this baby.
I'm sooo excited for y'all!!
oh my! This is sooo exciting! Kelly
There is so much love, already. And THAT is SO good. xo
So happy for you guys!!
Tickled blue!! I think you are having a baby boy!! Just precious!!
You are so going to fall in love in a few months--and that is a truly wonderful thing! Jess, thank you for sharing with your readers. If you only knew how often I think of you during each day and send up a little prayer. This baby is already so blessed to have such dear parents--it's hard waiting, isn't it?
Ohh I bet it's a boy! My girls wouldn't MOVE so the tech could get ultrasound pics and my boy wouldn't QUIT moving so she could get pics! ;o) Congratulations, so exciting.
Absolutely beautiful - this made my day.
Beautiful sonogram picture!!!
Dear Macs,
I just read through your blog after watching channel twelve tonight. When they said your daughter died of cancer I instantly wondered if it was neuroblastoma. After reading your blog I realized that it was. My son Dylan, was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma 16 years ago and I can relate to your story so much. He started with repeated ear infections and then his stomach was excessively hard,a doctors appointment, ct scan and then the terrible diagnosis. I still remember the disbelief. I am so sorry for your loss. Tears are streaming down my face as I type this. It is a terrible, terrible disease. I am so lucky that Dylan survived. But I still grieve for every family that has to go through watching their baby suffer. You are very special people. When I got pregnant for the second time, I too was nervous. They did a sonogram and checked the babies adrenal glands to make sure there were no signs of neuroblastoma. My second child was born healthy and is healthy to this day. You were blessed with Cora and she with you. Good luck and God Bless.
So excited for you and joel!! Have read your blog over the months--God is doing an amazing thing through your lives and story.
Great news story on Channel 12 tonight--LOVE Cora's playground!! I am so very glad they (channel 12)are following this story through. The playground is absolutely gorgeous--what kid wouldn't want to play there?? :)
What a miracle! I'm so excited for you both!
Looks like a boy :o)
How sweet! Our boy was VERY busy in utero. I felt him early on and he moved like crazy till the day he was born. Turns out he has never stopped moving! He keeps us very busy. Maybe this baby will be the same. Running around Cora's playground in a few years!
He's beautiful!!
So precious! God bless you and your little one.
Awww, so sweet!!!!!! :)
Praise the Lord for this child.
Loved seeing this "sono" pic of your precious baby! I am praying for you both!
Also, I LOVE the new set up of your website - it is beautiful seeing all the variety of pictures of gorgeous Cora adorning the top of your postings of what is going on in your life.
The new playground looks awesome!!
I am praying daily for you!
Luann in WA
I ached for you (and still do) as our son isn't much older than Cora. I am also pregnant now and celebrating new life with you! Congrats!! Still praying for you guys.
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