cora's update

Just a quick update.
Cora's (the shop) is still up and running. Our store is just EMPTY right now. We had to take a little break after all the Fourth of July craziness. We are hoping to start working on some more stuff next week.
We even broke down and bought a serger. It is currently still in the box. I think we are a little scared to touch it! Hopefully it will help us make the Cora dresses a little faster. There are so many new possibilities. Now, if we could just figure out how to use it!
Right now we are dreaming up some new ideas for Cora's. We will definitely be restocking the Cora dresses and burpies. Hopefully you will be seeing some fun new stuff too.
Thanks for being patient with us. This has been such a great creative outlet for me and also a great way to continue to remember my sweet little girl. You all have been so supportive and encouraging as we have ventured into the Etsy world.
Keep checking back!
On a different note. I have my second appointment tomorrow. Will you please pray for us as we go back to the doctor's office? We can't wait to hear that little Baby Mac heartbeat again.
Thinking of you all every single day in Chattanooga!! Last night my 8 month old had a horrible time going to sleep. She was screaming like she was in pain and I prayed and prayed that sweet angel Cora would "play" with Lauren in her crib to help her feel better. My sweet girl went right to sleep after that. Cora is one sweet little angel :)
Can’t wait to see more goodies! You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow and always. I am hopeful that your little angel will put in a good word for me so I can be blessed with another little angel myself.
As always, I am so excited to see what shows up at Cora's. Our granddaughter doesn't need any more clothes for right now, but I love to browse any how.
And my prayers are always with you and especially now that a new little one is on the way.
God Bless!
~Debbie K.
You are so sweet-i am just impressed that a young couple can have so much insight and trust the Lord so much. I sure wish I would have been that way in my younger years-I am in my 50's now. I am excited to see some things on Coras website-I still haven't been able to get on in time to actually buy something-I am learning patience-its good for me. I will keep checking-I have 2 grandchildren that I will be buying for Hannah who is 19months old and Gideon who is 2 weeks old. God Bless you all.
I love sewing, but I'd be afraid of a serger, too! Good luck figuring it out and getting Cora's stocked. I haven't lost hope that I'll be able to get something from there...
I'll be thinking of you at your doctor's appointment. I hope Baby Mac cooperates and gives a nice strong heartbeat for you to hear - no "hiding" from the sono, now, baby!
Praying for a strong, healthy heartbeat on baby Mac today! My girl got LOTS of compliments on her 4th of July Cora shirt. Love supporting you and your family! Can't wait to hear about your appointment!
Praying for your little one! I can't wait for things to get stocked up again for your store! I so want dress!
Have you considered doing the fingertip towel bibs? They are quick, easy, cute, & so handy. I've pics at:
If you want a tutorial i could do it, but they are not hard at all. Email if you've any interest.
Praying, continuing to pray, that all things go well for you. :)
Praying for you always!
You are in our prayers daily. =)
Lots of Prayers for you! I think and pray about your family daily. Even though we are perfect strangers, I feel so blessed by your blog. Your faith is so inspiring and convicting!
And so glad you don't intend to stop work on the Cora's dresses! I have yet to get one! It seems I am always a couple of hours too late!
Can't wait to hear about your experience with your new serger! Would love to get my hands on a Cora Dress!
Will be thinking about you tomorrow!
Good luck, Jess! You take your time on the crafty side of life and just take care of you and that little bitty!
you're dresses are always so adorable! can't wait to see new ones! i have two boys so i don't get to buy any ;) and how exciting about your next appt! can't wait to hear how it goes!
Jess I will be praying for you tomorrow. Everything will turn out wonderful and I hope He/She puts on a good show for mommy and daddy to ease your worries.
I will be praying for you!!
You and your Little Mac always have my prayers...
Enjoy hearing Baby Mac's heartbeat tomorrow! I loved that. I thought it was the coolest thing to have two heartbeats.
I have to admit I'm excited about the next round of dresses. I loved seeing them on the little girls in your Fourth of July pictures!
Always praying for you!
We'll definitely be in prayer. Hoping your appointment is great and that peace & calmness would be in your heart. And don't forget to enjoy it a little:). Not always easy to remember to enjoy yourself while your there....ha! Especially when you gain more weight than you'd like....sigh.
Praying for you, Joel, Baby Mac and your Angel Cora always.
Hi Jess. I wanted to let you know that I know how to use a serger, and have one of my own. If you would like some help give me a call or send me an e-mail. I would love to help you out! I am sure though that you have some skilled women around you!!! BTW the serger will save you an AMAZING amount of time! God Bless
Though I don't comment often I wanted to let you know that our family here in Stillwater, MN is praying and cheering for you all. Baby Cora will never be forgotten!!!!
Love, The Nash Family
I bought one of the 4th of July shirts and love it! Thank you! Praying for you and for a good 2nd appt!
Always in my thoughts and prayers!
Praying for you guys that Baby Mac cooperates and makes it easy for them to find the heart beat.
Blessings to both of you,
Good luck Jess & fam with the new surger adventure! Sounds like you all keep busy! Lots of prayers from the Walquists!
Definitely praying!
With love from the Heim family
(now in Phoenix as of last Thursday!)
Kathy and Jess,
I would strongly recommend going to a class where you got your serger if that is possible. I didn't when I got mine and never did get the full benefit of it. Cleta
Ohhh you're going big-time with your shop! I love it. I hope you figure out that serger soon. (I can't even thread my bernina, so I'm no help at all.)
Will be praying for you tomorrow for a wonderful appointment.
Cora is thought of daily.
Prayers for you tomorrow!
Prayers for peace for you tomorrow as you hear Baby's heartbeat again! God is faithful!
it would be great if you could take a class to learn how to use the serger..
Hey! I wanted to let you know about this website that allows you to rent a doppler for pretty cheap. You may already know about it, but I really love listening to my baby's heart beat any time I want to! (I listen just about daily!) If you're interested go to and you can rent them for as cheap as 20 bucks a month. They're medical quality and I got mine at 9 weeks and could hear the heartbeat right away. So much fun! :)
Waiting in anticipation and praying with love,
I had begged my hubby for many years to get me a serger. Finally, he bought me one about three years ago. I took it out of the box, got completely intimidated by all the "stuff" and haven't touched it since. I really need to learn how to use that stinkin' thing. But like you mentioned, I'm scared... lol. It's total ridiculousness!
Will be praying for you & your appointment tomorrow. I'm SO excited for you! :-)
Much Love,
Can't wait to see what you and Grammy come up with. :) Can't wait to hear the results of your visit..the reassurance of that sweet baby's heartbeat should help you feel a little better.
I think of you EVERYDAY..I pray for you, Joel, Cora and now the new baby :)
Can't wait for the dresses to be back...hope I can actually catch one this time :)
Praying for you guys tomorrow!!!!!!
I cannot wait to see more stuff in Cora's store. I have had no luck getting anything but I will get my hands on something soon!!
Will be praying all goes well at your appointment.
Praying for a great appointment tomorrow and excited to see new goodies at your etsy shop!
Summer & family in California
Praying for your appointment tomorrow! How exciting to get to hear your babies heart beat again...such an amazing sound.
Praying for a wonderful appt. tomorrow. I'm also encouraged that all hope is not lost to get my girl a dress :)
Can't wait to hear how the appt. goes. You are never far from my thoughts.
Susan in Indiana
Can't wait to see what new creative things you come up with!
I'll be thinking about you tomorrow for your appointment! It is always so amazing to hear that heartbeat.
Praying for a continued strong and healthy pregnancy!
praying for a healthy little mac.
Praying for you today.
I'm currently pregnant with identical twins and have been stalking your store hoping to get my hands on your Cora dresses. I keep missing them. Although we don't know each other you and your baby have been in my thoughts a lot. I know all too well how nervewracking the time leading up to the appointments can be and I hope you are able to relax beforehand and leave feeling reassured and confident.
Sending prayers your way for the next doctor's appointment.
I have a serger you guys are going to love it. It is just as easy as the sewing machine (once it is threaded of course!)
Praying things went well at the appointment and that healing will continue in God's timing and his way.
Love, Denise
Thinking of you ,as always. Praying for your doctors apppt. and waiting to hear good news. God bless you ! I know Miss.Cora is looking down from heaven and is so excited to be a big sister.....with love.
I have been following your story since we heard Cora's story in church the Sunday before she passed away. I check in often to see how you are doing.
If you read this, I was wondering if you could post a heads-up on your blog the day before you list everything at Cora's. Then we could know what day to watch Cora's. Just an idea. Thanks and God Bless.
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