There was one spot along the bay that you could see starfish when the tide was out. We went one day but the tide was too high, so we went back a second time hoping to spot some starfish. And we did!
There were tons of them hiding among the rocks. We thought Levi would think they were so cool.
He wasn’t too sure. He would touch them…
and hold them very reluctantly for about one second. Then he would drop the poor starfish back into the water and move onto other things like climbing on rocks.
It probably didn’t help that he was in a particularly grouchy mood that day. He had to sit with his daddy and have a little talk. Oh my. This parenting and discipline stuff is hard work. The past few weeks Levi has been showing us a new side of himself. The word “no” and a lot of whining has been frequently heard around here. It is like he knows that something is about to change in his world of full attention from mom and dad! 🙂 We, of course, still love him to pieces…whining and all. And I think that sometimes God uses those tough parenting days to teach us just as much as we are trying to teach little Levi.
Happy Monday!
songskatesang - Bless your heart! I remember that stage all too well 🙂
Susy M. - How can you not love that face. Kids know. They can sense change more than us adults. Bless you all.
KristinGheen - I LOVE your pictures! I grew up in New Jersey but managed to never visit Maine. That seriously needs to change right away!
Discipline is a toughie…Praying you have all the energy and wisdom you need in those moments! It seems to require a supernatural amount at times. 😉
Nancy - I know right what you mean. I always tell mine it’s a good thing they are adorable to me 🙂 HEE!
Blessings from God no matter what though, I know you feel just as I do!
Melissa - Tell me about it!! My girl and I have many talks. She screamed so loud at a birthday party because I told her “no” for something that I was sweating bullets at the end and she was covered in tears and snot. It was lovely. :o)
Meggie - Love all the pictures again! Not too long ago my little man’s favorite word was no and we had some major battle of wills. Thankfully he seems to be past that phase and now we only have those “issues” every once in a while. Hopefully both our boys will adjust well and cooperate wonderfully once they have new little brothers at home. A girl can hope! =)
Megan - Oh my word can I relate. My little guy is about 2 months younger than Levi and this whining and no stuff has begun in full force! Today was a day spent in many tears – both for me and for Bennett! I feel like overnight we’ve turned the corner into full-blown toddlerhood and starting to figure out the discipline method that will work for us.
We have Baby #2 arriving in early Jan so in some ways, I’m glad that we are dealing with this now rather than in a few more months when I’m super tired and emotionally spent.
Will be praying for much wisdom for you guys!
Sara - This trip looks like it was so much fun! I would love the cooler temps for sure.
We are in the same season with my little one and their are some days I just want to ask where did my sweet little boy go?!
I am told it is just a phase but oh my, what a phase at times!
Sarah - Love the starfish, and the pictures of Levi getting to experience them.
Discipline is so tough, not a fun part of being a mama 🙁
Starla - I have a 19 month old son, who out of nowhere started saying “no” for everything. It seems to be his favorite word. And the whining…he whines every time he doesn’t get his way. We are really working with him; takes patience! Best of luck. I love following your blog because our son’s are so close in age and it makes me feel better that I’m not the only one going through these things, haha!
ABS - I just saw all of your Maine posts and I just love them! I grew up going to Bar Harbor and Acadia every summer of my life until I was 22 and it is such a magical place for me. So many of my childhood memories are in Maine and I cannot wait to show it to my kids someday – we are hoping to reinstate our family tradition this year. Cheers to a new generation eating Ben and Bills, getting lost in a book at Sherman’s and making memories in such a wonderful place!
Jody - I tried putting my almost 2 year old niece on timeout today. She just laughed at me (:
melissa - Those days are rough! My boys are 26th months apart. They are now 8 and 10, and I miss those days 🙂 I never thought I would say that 8 years ago!! Can you send me an email about the house you rented? We are planning a trip to Maine next July, and I love, love that house 🙂
HeatherS - Oh dear! It is only just beginning for you! 🙂 But yes, my girls were 1.5 years apart and I remember thinking my oldest “knew” her alone time with us was about up. And she was no fool – you can get away with a lot when mama is carrying an extra 25 pounds around! She doesn’t move to fast! You’re going to LOVE having these little boys so close together though! Blessings!
Sarah - Yep, today is my birthday and I had the most discipline issues with my 3 boys–today, of all days. Thanks for the reminder of God using these discipline moments to teach me as well. After lunch we prayed for Him to redeem our day and He did. Great is His Faithfulness!
Anonymous - Thanks for posting all your pics Jess! I loved seeing how your trip went! It looks like it was so much fun… makes me want to go to Maine! Hope you are feeling good! Andi
gaylemiller - What a great picture of them talking!! Think about how many talks they are going to have together about life!!
Julie - Love, love, love that last picture. That is pretty much the story of our lives right now, we have a 2 1/2 year old son and a 7 month old daughter. Reed is always having those talsk with either me or his daddy. I have to admit that it’s hard, but I go to bed SO thankful every.single.night!
Sarah - ur pregnancy pictures are interest famous!
TimandCeri - Oh Jess, Those are great pictures! He is just so sweet! I feel your frustration about pushing the limit. This too shall pass….. (some day?) My son is 3 and it’s pretty tough some days. We started when he was young with a notty spot. (Circle rug from ikea) He sure is not a fan of time out. He gets a warning and then next time it’s time out. We always end with a chat, I’m sorry and hugs and kisses. I stole it from supper nanny. And it has worked pretty well for us. There is also a book called Love and Logic I have heard lots of good things about. Good luck. And He is such a handsome fella!
Tara - boy, oh boy can i feel your pain. i wrote a post a while back about this … … and i’m still begging Him to show me the way.
i love your vacation pics! maine looks beautiful!
DianeTaylor - Hi Jess – I am loving all these Maine pics, I miss the NE weather (well, maybe the SUMMER weather….lol) and Maine’s beautiful beaches. My sister and I spent alot of time with our kids at York Beach – such great memories. We loved to look at starfish too! Hope you are feeling good – not too long before you become a family of 4 :):) So excited for you guys.
Take care, have a good Wednesday!