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goodbye sweet baby curls

What do you think of our new hairdo’s?
Yesterday Levi and I had a little mama/son date to get our hair cut.
Don’t worry if you can’t really see the difference on me.
No Locks of Love this time…I just got a trim.
But I reluctantly decided it was time for Levi to have a haircut too.
It was time to say goodbye to those sweet baby curls…
or at least his daddy thought it was time.
Levi was very unsure about the whole thing.
He didn’t like the cape.
He had to have one arm out at all times.
My friend Aimee was so sweet with him.
{She is the best!}
And her little girl stayed close and fed him fruit snacks.
It did the trick for a while.
He sat perfectly still.
He was completely quiet.
And there was no sign of the smile that usually covers his face.
Very unlike him.

And just before it was time to cut the back and say goodbye to his sweet baby curls…
his big pouty lip came out and he cried and cried and cried.
I had to hold him for the rest of the haircut.
And then he sat on my lap for almost my entire haircut.
He sat so still and barely made a noise.
The haircut must have been as traumatic for him as it was for me to say goodbye to those curls!
He recovered quickly though once we left.
Here he is last night playing with his new big boy haircut.
He is seeming more and more like a BIG brother everyday.
{I had to keep those little sweet baby curls for his baby book…I just couldn’t part with them!}
  • Liz - We are getting ready to get our little guy his first hair cut too and I am SO sad to say goodbye to his baby curls. Curls on a little boy are just the cutest!ReplyCancel

  • Danielle H. - Of course you had to keep those curls! He is adorable! Your hair grows SO fast!!!ReplyCancel

  • Katie - Awww… such sweet photos. He looks like such a little man!ReplyCancel

  • Trish - awww… my little levi has baby curls too. he just turned one. i am hoping to keep them around awhile longer 🙂 they are just so sweet!

    so funny that he had to have his arm out of the cape 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Aww! He is so sweet! I think I would have cried as well! My daughter is almost 4 and I don’t ever want to cut her curls off! 🙁

    Your hair looks great as well! I need to get mine done soon!ReplyCancel

  • The Fishers - I nearly cried when we finally had our sweet Eli’s baby curls cut at 21 months ~ his daddy also decided it was time. He’s had one more haircut since then but his daddy has graciously agreed to let them come back a bit this summer, agreeing to let him look like our little surfer boy. But alas, the next cut is scheduled in two weeks.ReplyCancel

  • Amanda - Oh, those sweet curls, so sad they are gone! I cried when mason got his first haircut – but then again, dave buzzed it, and it was quite traumatic seeing all his blond locks go. So I feel ya! In fact, seeing Mason’s hair go was harder than Taylor’s first haircut.

    You both look adorable!ReplyCancel

  • Rich and Carolyn Dewey - I think that first haircut is harder on the momma – even though the little man has tears. He’s very handsome!ReplyCancel

  • Meghan - Your pictures just make my heart melt. His little expressions are priceless!!!!ReplyCancel

  • Susy M. - He is so precious. God Bless him.ReplyCancel

  • Erin Tagle - Awe, so precious! What a trooper though, you and him! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Ashley J. - WOW his first haircut looks good!
    I went home almost in tears after our sons first cut. He wouldn’t sit still (he’s a fighter, lol) so it was all uneven, and she did a horrible job in the first place.
    I told her I wanted to save as much of the hair as possible. She gave me a tiny little piece, about 6 little strands not even an inch tall. I was so angry.

    Levi’s hair looks great, and he did an amazing job sitting still!ReplyCancel

  • The Drama Mama - It never fails, they look SO much bigger after that first haircut…and you’ve GOT to keep those precious curls! He is such a handsome boy!ReplyCancel

  • Kelly - I just buzzed all the curls off my youngest boy. His hair was adorably long and curly but it was just too hot for summer. They’ll be back in the fall though! I love them!ReplyCancel

  • Brigid - I just have to comment b/c I really think you may have cutest little son I’ve EVER seen. I’m expecting a little boy in a few weeks and I hope he’s half as cute!ReplyCancel

  • Bethany - Aw! It’s never easy to part with baby hair. My boy never had curls and I think it made it easier. It looks cute! I love that you had a friend who could do the cut for you.ReplyCancel

  • Jen - Oh my word! Talk about tugging on heart strings! What a sweet post about a precious little boy. He looks so big now!! I thought it was hilarious that he had to have his arm out of the cape the entire time. And the seriousness of it all! Whew! haha! Thanks for sharing this big step with us, too! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Nancy - He’s so cute! That lip is precious!ReplyCancel

  • Sharon - Jess, he definitely looks very big brotherly now! So cute and he was so serious during his haircut. Keeping those curls will be a sweet reminder.ReplyCancel

  • Wendy McDonagh-Valentine - He’s turning into such a little man!! I love the photo with his lip sticking out!!! Looking at your photos reminds me so much of when my boys were babies. My daughter was born 14 months ago after having three boys. I’m thrilled that I have a little girl but there always be a soft spot in my heart for the boys. : )

    ~ Wendy

  • Faith - aww he looks absolutely handsome!!! great job levi! and great job mama! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Mindy Harris - levi is so beautiful..i love his light blonde hair. i’m sorry you had to trim it. wilder is 3 and has had trims but we can’t bear to part with the long locks.
    it will probably be long until he is old enuf to decide what he wants. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Michelle - “Yesterday is history.
    Tomorrow is a mystery.
    Today is a gift.
    That’s why it’s called the present.” 🙂

    Wish we could just bottle our little ones up and keep them this way forever! Instead, we’ll just have to enjoy all that today has to offer. It’s a gift, after all.

    Sweet little curls or not, Levi is a doll!ReplyCancel

  • Kristin - Jess, what kind of camera do you use? I’m sure you get asked that a lot! Your pictures are awesome! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Cindy - Awww…I am right there with you. My son is about 6 months behind Levi and has lots sweet baby curls too! I am torn on how long to let them go before I cut them…I’m not ready for my last baby to have a big boy look yet, but I don’t want him to start looking girly either 😉 Here’s to hoping I can keep those curls around another 6 months too 😉ReplyCancel

  • meg duerksen - he reminds me so much of sean when he was that same age and we brought talby home shortly after that first haircut. we couldn’t believe how old he looked after losing all those curls. and i did cry during the haircut.

    i don’t think levi could be any cuter.
    it’s impossible.ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - Levi looks so much like Joel. In the fifth picture down….its like looking at a side view of Cora, he totallt looks like sis in that picture… handsome…love himReplyCancel