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saturday + splash park + 30 days

Somehow this week got away from me. It was one of those weeks that went fast and I didn’t feel like I accomplished much. I hate when that happens. Several of you have asked me about what I am doing for my devotion time or some resources I might recommend. Not that I have all the answers…I am learning along with you all…but I had good intentions on writing a post about my personal devotion time this week. Obviously that didn’t happen. Hopefully next week. So, if you have any questions, now is the time to ask! 
How is your 30 Day Challenge going? This morning I had such a hard time getting out of bed. I was tired. But when I finally made it downstairs I was so thankful that today marked day 18 of a consistent time of meeting with the Lord in the mornings. He has been teaching me many things over the past 18 days. I was thinking I might only have a few minutes before Levi woke up but he actually slept in a little today too. A little blessing on a Saturday morning.
And since I don’t have much else to say today, here are a few pictures of Levi at the splash park. We decided to give it a try again this week (this time with my camera battery charged) and I’m so glad we did.

Last time we went Levi only walked around the outside. He wasn’t really interested in getting sprayed in the face by water…I can’t imagine why not!?! This time he was a little braver.

My sister and a friend showed him how to put his hands and feet in the fountains. He wasn’t too sure at first, but pretty soon he was trying it out by himself.

 He even got all the way wet. Way to be brave Levi!

And by the end he was being his normal cheesy self and having so much fun. We will definitely be going back. Such a fun way to end a hot summer day.

We are enjoying a laid back Saturday. Joel has been home for most of the day {yay for no working!} and we have been working on some projects around our yard. This weekend we are having dinner with friends, celebrating a birthday, and celebrating a very special daddy. How about you?

Happy Father’s Day weekend!

  • k and c's mom - The pictures of your little guy always fill me with joy. Thanks for posting those. I have kept up with your challenge and feel such anticipation to hear from God each day. Praying for a good Father’s Day for your family. I know that can be hard.ReplyCancel

  • The Farmers - Love that chubby belly in the wet shirt.ReplyCancel

  • Davene Grace - The splash park looks like so much fun! I wish we had one of those around here. For us, the sprinkler in the yard will have to do the trick (with half of its spray going on the garden so that we’re killing two birds with one stone, so to speak). 🙂

    I was just noticing tonight how much Levi has changed since the sidebar picture of him was taken. He is such a handsome little man!ReplyCancel

  • Auntie Mip - Your little man is undeniably delicious! Have a wonderful Father’s Day!ReplyCancel

  • Janet - I just love reading all about your special family! Been following since your little Cora went to heaven, and am so happy for how your family is growing and I know she is looking down with so much love for you all! That splash park looks like a whole heap of fun! Way to Go Levi!Sending warmest regards from South Africa!ReplyCancel

  • Sarah - Wish we had a splash park around here. Levi’s hair is turning blonde…from the sun maybe??

    Happy Sunday!


  • meg duerksen - that last picture is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!ReplyCancel

  • Anonymous - My question– I grew up in a family where church on Sunday was the requirement, but I am very new to scripture study. I think this is something I need and want to get started…do you have suggestions? Thank you. And agree with everyone about the splash park photos– what a blast!ReplyCancel

  • Faith - your little guy is so cute!

    i just recently followed you so i’m 22 days late with my 30-day challenge. but never too late to join brothers/sisters in Christ to hold one another accountable in seeking Him and spending quality time with Him!ReplyCancel