I just listed some new dresses at Cora’s.
You know, the ones I was supposed to list last week…they are done now. :o)
I just loved how these turned out. We used Heather Bailey’s Pop Garden collection on most of them. I love the colors!
Don’t forget to check back here throughout the week. We have decided to host our FIRST EVER Cora’s giveaway. We are going to give away several items that will soon be listed in our Etsy shop. You won’t want to miss it!
michelle - Jess…they are so cute! Do you plan on making 5t dresses? (I may have just missed them all, they sell out sooo fast!) I continue to pray for you and Joel and you continue to inspire me.
Anonymous - Love the new dresses! We got one about a month ago and it is beautiful! Still praying for you daily…
hoosier68 - Love the fabric. They are
one of a kind and adorable. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Anonymous - They are beautiful..Great job Mom and Grammy!
Jenny - I have looked everytime you list dresses and I always miss the 2T ones. =) They are beautiful dresses. I will just have to keep checking!!
You and Joel are such an inspiration. Please know that you are still in my prayers.
Erica - i love the material you choose on all your dresses! so beautiful… you have such fun and great taste!
The Carroll's - LOVE the fabric!! My daughter, Rowan, gets SO many compliments on her Cora dress and it’s such a wonderful opportunity to share your story and faith with others! You are a blessing to many!
Sara - ARGH!
The one time I actually log on and there are items left!
Think I could cram my 18 month old in your last 6 month size dress?
I REALLY want one!
Sherryl - Good for you! Great job!
Heather - darn I miss out everytime!! Oh well maybe next time!!
Susan - Struck out again! These are the cutest yet…Can’t wait to get one hopefully before my girl turns 18! 🙂
Will patiently wait for more…
Susan in Indiana
h&b von frinkenhagen - You are popular! I’ve been checking and checking and I still miss you!
Christina - Everything’s long gone! I had to laugh…
The dress you have on the site is so lovely.
I pray for continual healing, and I’m so glad that you and your mom are able to spend time together.
TRICIA @boutellefamilyzoo - 4 hours in and I missed them again! Darn’t! I’m sure they were beautiful!
I can’t wait for the give-a-way. I probably won’t be fast enough, but I certaintly will try.
I’m so glad to see how great the playground is coming out already.
Have a fantastic week!
Love and prayers,
PamperingBeki - Stinking adorable.
Love that fabric! Sandi Henderson has some great fabrics too, but they’re hard to find here in town so I buy it online.
Praying for you daily!
wicker0407 - I check the shop often and I hit it just right today and bought my
2nd dress for my baby girl. I cannot wait to get them. I will think of Cora every time she wears them and share her story with anyone who will listen :o) You are Joel are still in my prayers. I know sweet Cora is so proud of her Mommy and Daddy for all they are doing and for being so strong and brave through all of this. Continued love and support from California!
Susy M - I can’t believe I missed out again. They are beautiful as well as all you do in memory of your baby girl. God bless you all.
Julie - Those are very cute!!!
Thinking of you!
Cristy - I love that fabric! A giveaway…so fun!
Hugs and prayers Jess…
Tara Provence - i’m in love (w/ the dresses of course) and of course i missed them. ha. i started reading your story when cora was in the hospital… and i still am coming back. you are so inspiring to me… and the story of cora has changed the way that i view my own life and the bond with my own baby girl. thank you so much for your honesty and sweet words. i pray for you often. and hopefully one day i’ll be able to get one of those dresses fast enough. tara
Anonymous - Darn it, missed them again… waiting for a 3T. Someday it will happen. Still praying for you!
Miss Em - UGH!!! Ok, I give up. I keep missing the dresses. I am just not fast enough. They are really adorable! I am so happy that they sell out so fast, it is truely a blessing! I keep praying for you all. Today I pray for your smiles to continue and your heart to be lifted. I pray for a good day! Hugs to you!
mommaof4wife2r - those are soooo cute i can’t stand it!!!!
Kelly - Too bad, I missed them again! 🙂 I have two twin granddaughters, 18 months old, so I am hoping to get two dresses for them sometime!
Love the playground equipment too, beautiful!
The Mershawn's - Grr….I missed them….AGAIN!! Love ’em!
Anonymous - Wow, Jess, what do you and your mom think everytime the dresses sell out instantly?? It’s simply amazing.
You are such an inspiration. And you have great taste, too!
Traci - I found your blog via a link through a friend of mine in Columbus, Ohio. Cora has truly touched people from all over! I have been following your site for awhile and love all of your dresses. I have yet to snag one. I continue to pray for you and Joel. You have changed me and inspired me!
Barrett and Jen - I missed them again too!
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